Dürer & 測距儀2022d126 教科書風 e032 「空間の創造」という幻想土台

Dürer & 測距儀2022d125 教科書風 e031 「存在」と「イメージ」の 違い https://togetter.com/li/2288628
2022zionad @2022zionad

単位円で 見立てた エレベーター 床面が t=0から t=1へ 床面が上昇した

2024-01-05 15:11:49
2022zionad @2022zionad

The elevator floor, which is modeled by a unit circle, is raised from t=0 to t=1. Bard

2024-01-05 15:11:59
2022zionad @2022zionad

立方体を 窓面を通して 観察する

2024-01-05 15:12:23
2022zionad @2022zionad

Observing a cube through a window. ChatGPT Observe the cube through the window surface. DeepL

2024-01-05 15:12:52
2022zionad @2022zionad

見るということは カメラアイを設置することだ 数学世界では  見ている位置 視座が  登場しない

2024-01-05 15:13:02
2022zionad @2022zionad

In the realm of mathematics, the notion of observation doesn't entail the installation of a camera eye. The concept of the viewer's position or perspective, including the line of sight, is not considered. ChatGPT

2024-01-05 15:13:31
2022zionad @2022zionad

Seeing means To set up a camera eye. In the mathematical world  The position from which you are looking does not appear DeepL

2024-01-05 15:13:43
2022zionad @2022zionad

立方体を窓から見る場合、 立方体の一部しか見えません。 また、窓の位置によって、 見える立方体の部分も異なります。 Bard pic.twitter.com/1C1vs6TwvQ

2024-01-05 15:14:11
2022zionad @2022zionad

しかし ここは物理世界の ファンタジー空間 幻想空間 カメラアイを存在させよう

2024-01-05 15:14:30
2022zionad @2022zionad

Understood. If we're entering a fantasy or imaginary space within the physical world, let's introduce the concept of a camera eye: However, in this fantastical or imaginary space within the physical world, let's introduce the presence of a camera eye. ChatGPT

2024-01-05 15:14:40
2022zionad @2022zionad

But This is a physical world Fantasy space A fantasy space Let the camera eye exist DeepL

2024-01-05 15:14:55
2022zionad @2022zionad

デカルト先輩なら 我 思う故に 我あり カメラアイが 被写体を見て カメラアイが 己の存在に気付く

2024-01-05 15:15:06
2022zionad @2022zionad

If we parallel Descartes, it could be expressed as follows: "I see, therefore I am," where the camera eye, by observing the subject, becomes aware of its own existence. ChatGPT

2024-01-05 15:15:16
2022zionad @2022zionad

The camera eye, by seeing the subject, realizes its own existence. The camera eye, in the act of seeing the subject, becomes aware of itself. Bard

2024-01-05 15:15:26
2022zionad @2022zionad

As Descartes said, "I think, therefore I am." In the same way, the camera eye that sees the subject comes to realize its own existence. The camera eye is not just a tool for seeing. It is also a being that can experience the world. Bard

2024-01-05 15:15:36
2022zionad @2022zionad

カメラアイが 女性姿を見て カメラアイが 己の存在に気付く 俺は フェティシストじゃないから オッパイに  こだわりが たくさん あるわけじゃない

2024-01-05 15:15:48
2022zionad @2022zionad

The camera eye, upon seeing a female form, becomes aware of its own existence. I'm not a fetishist, so there isn't a plethora of fixations on breasts. ChatGPT

2024-01-05 15:17:03
2022zionad @2022zionad

俺の狂いは 俺の全能性に起因する 妄想の凄さが 幻想を 圧倒する

2024-01-05 15:17:25
2022zionad @2022zionad

My madness is Is due to my omnipotence. My delusions are so great Overwhelms my fantasies. DeepL

2024-01-05 15:18:08
2022zionad @2022zionad

My madness comes from my omnipotence. The magnitude of my delusions overwhelms my fantasies. Bard

2024-01-05 15:18:17
2022zionad @2022zionad

The original Japanese text is a short poem that expresses the speaker's belief that their madness is a result of their omnipotence. The speaker's delusions are so powerful that they overwhelm even their fantasies. Bard pic.twitter.com/G0ViNmp5yC

2024-01-05 15:18:32
2022zionad @2022zionad

行動の自由 追及 可能性の悪魔  この妄想を緩和し 幻想の甘さを受け入れる 自己治療として 物理を やっている

2024-01-05 15:18:47
2022zionad @2022zionad

Freedom of Action Pursuit Demon of Possibility  Alleviate this delusion and and embrace the sweetness of the illusion as self-medication. I'm doing physics. DeepL

2024-01-05 15:18:57
2022zionad @2022zionad

Pursuing freedom of action The devil of possibility To ease this delusion And accept the sweetness of fantasy as self-therapy I am doing physics. Bard

2024-01-05 15:19:08