Dürer & 測距儀2022d129 教科書風 e035 太陽への 覗き穴

Dürer & 測距儀2022d128 教科書風 e034 望遠鏡 複数配置で システム屋 https://togetter.com/li/2290363
2022zionad @2022zionad

The peephole to the sun. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:14:18
2022zionad @2022zionad

早速 撮影に使ったサングラス 失くした わけだが ほぼ4年前  自転車 乗るときの風除(かぜよけ)と 武漢コロナウイルス対策 兼ねて ワークマンで買った ¥500 ぐらいのサングラス

2024-01-08 17:15:49
2022zionad @2022zionad

I promptly lost the sunglasses I used for shooting. They were purchased at Workman almost four years ago for around ¥500, serving both as a windbreaker when riding a bicycle and as a measure against the Wuhan coronavirus. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:16:00
2022zionad @2022zionad

太陽光が貫いてる 太陽 存在 t=-1 サングラス 存在 t=0 iPhone 11 カメラアイ 存在 t=1

2024-01-08 17:16:21
2022zionad @2022zionad

Sunlight is penetrating. The sun exists at t = -1. Sunglasses exist at t = 0. iPhone 11 camera eye exists at t = 1. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:16:36
2022zionad @2022zionad

最初は雑に 簡易設定で 考えるのを続ける 太陽と サングラスと iPhone 11 カメラアイの  位置関係は 時間が経過しても 同じ位置関係

2024-01-08 17:17:26
2022zionad @2022zionad

At first, continuing to think with a rough and simplified setup, The positions of the sun, sunglasses, and iPhone 11 camera eye remain the same relationship even as time passes. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:17:36
2022zionad @2022zionad

太陽: 運転手さん サングラス: お客さん iPhone 11 カメラアイ: 車掌さん の 線分列車

2024-01-08 17:17:48
2022zionad @2022zionad

Sun: The driver Sunglasses: The passenger iPhone 11 camera eye: The conductor of A line segment train Segmented train Line segment locomotion ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:17:59
2022zionad @2022zionad

被写体(対象)である 太陽 サングラス カメラアイ  は 「存在」 「存在」は 位置と時刻で 座標に記述する これは数学が扱っている

2024-01-08 17:18:11
2022zionad @2022zionad

The subjects – the sun, sunglasses, and camera eye – are described by the term "existence." "Existence" is delineated in coordinates by both position and time.

2024-01-08 17:18:21
2022zionad @2022zionad

This concept aligns with mathematical principles, expressing the position of the subjects in spatial coordinates, which vary over time. Such a coordinate system is commonly employed in physics and mathematics. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:18:33
2022zionad @2022zionad

被写体の「存在が確認」された 位置と時刻というものも ある これは 普通の数学では あまり扱っていない

2024-01-08 17:18:45
2022zionad @2022zionad

The confirmation of the "existence" of the subjects involves both position and time. This concept is not commonly addressed in typical mathematics. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:18:54
2022zionad @2022zionad

「存在が確認」されたとは 見張りが 敵艦を発見とか 測距儀が 敵艦位置を決定することを 言う

2024-01-08 17:19:04
2022zionad @2022zionad

"Existence confirmed" refers to situations like a lookout spotting an enemy ship or a rangefinder determining the position of an enemy vessel. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:19:14
2022zionad @2022zionad

「敵艦位置を決定」という表現は 少し おかしいかもしれないが 不確定性原理みたいな感じで 敵の本当の現在位置は不明だが 1秒前の敵位置と 0秒前の敵位置を 区別していない状態だと 今は雑に 受け取って欲しい

2024-01-08 17:19:24
2022zionad @2022zionad

The expression "determining the position of the enemy ship" might sound a bit off. It's more like the uncertainty principle;even though the exact current position of the enemy is unknown,

2024-01-08 17:20:09
2022zionad @2022zionad

imagine a situation where there's no distinction between the enemy's position one second ago and the position just now. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:20:17
2022zionad @2022zionad

数学世界と 工学(エンジニアリング)の違い 特に  数学世界と 戦争技術 思想の違い

2024-01-08 17:21:25
2022zionad @2022zionad

The distinction between the realm of mathematics and engineering, Specifically, The disparity in thinking between the realm of mathematics and the philosophy of war technology. ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:21:36
2022zionad @2022zionad

数学では 被写体(対象)の記述を専門にしている どういう空間を用意すれば 対象(女性)を包めるか 対象(女性)捉えられるか に 無我夢中になる

2024-01-08 17:21:46
2022zionad @2022zionad

In mathematics, we specialize in describing subjects. What kind of space What kind of space should be prepared to encompass the subject (woman)? What kind of space should be prepared to capture the subject (woman)? I am absorbed in DeepL & ChatGPT

2024-01-08 17:21:57
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