a wrap on glee for 2011

2011年glee撮影最終日+α (シーズン3 第11話 "Michael") 骨折のせいで一人MRIを撮りに行ってるMarkがちょっと哀れ。(笑)
Amber Patrice Riley @MsAmberPRiley

Love you Tweethearts! Goodnight, happy holidays!

2011-12-17 20:06:49
Kevin McHale @druidDUDE

With a quick 3 hrs of sleep, I'm off to Tejas!

2011-12-18 00:22:06
Lea Michele @LeaMichele

We wrapped last night at 3am!! So unbelievable! Was so sleepy when I woke up today but I'm so excited to go home! NYC here I come:)

2011-12-18 00:24:54
Lea Michele @LeaMichele

Just landed home in NYC!!! So so so so so so so SO!!!! Happy to be here!!!

2011-12-18 07:46:47
Harry Shum Jr @HarryShumJr

Spilled gasoline stench in a heater less taxi while stuck in traffic. Thanks for the welcome NY. I love you too.

2011-12-18 07:48:21
Darren Criss @DarrenCriss

From the Glee set in LA straight to Lincoln Center in NY- Show tonight, then 2pm show tomorrow. Find out details at 9am tomorrow EST. Weee!!

2011-12-18 08:10:08
Chuck Criss @ChuckCriss

Wouldn't be the holidays if I didn't perform with my bro.Except this year, I'm doing it at Lincoln Center. Wait, what? http://t.co/2YNUy7Lf

2011-12-18 09:26:36
Damian Mc Ginty @damianmcginty

@curtmega: Just ran into @damianmcginty at the airport! \o/ awesome guy!”haha thanks buddy!Weird day! Have a great holiday, see ya January

2011-12-18 10:46:33


Lea,Cory,ChrisとMatthew,JaneはNYへの移動翌日に"the Actors Studio"収録。更にLeaとChrisは"Watch What Happens Live"も収録。Darrenは移動当日午後からライブ。忙しい…。