
ロバート キャンベル @rcampbelltokyo

米機の空爆で焼き尽くされた東京が敗戦後、立派な大都会に蘇生したのと同様、ガザ地区も一度は根こそぎ破壊するのは仕方がなく、むしろ巨悪を払うのに必須のプロセスだと嘯くイスラエルのツィピ・ホトベリ駐英大使。虐殺のため東京空襲と復興を引き合いに出すな、と言いたい shorturl.at/AUY37 pic.twitter.com/QQKpgy5wB3

2024-01-13 14:19:59

Can I ask you, have you ever been to Tokyo?


So my first International visit when I was Deputy Foreign was to Tokyo, and the first tour in the city was to tell me nothing is authentic, nothing is original because the Americans destroyed everything in the second world war. Basically, Tokyo was devastated. All buildings were taken off. 100,000 people were killed just in one night of air strike by the Americans. And Tokyo got back to life because after the Japanese were defeated by the Americans, after a long-run American occupation and a whole change of educational system, Tokyo, and modern Japan, has become the great country that everyone admires with its great technology. I think we need to remember that the problem is not the devastation of the buildings; the problem is the ideology.

And Israel is doing everything to make sure the 2 million Palestinians will be in a place called The masasi with legitimate shelters together with all the international organizations to make sure we minimize the casualties. But again, it was Hamas that was using these people as human shields. Hamas didn't mind about children getting killed in Gaza; they were using them in front of every place that the IDF soldiers were getting. They saw children coming in front of them or women just to make sure they get the right footage for the International Community to blame Israel. And when this is the reality, we need to fight this ideology that created this horrific thing that the people of Gaza were forced to be human shields. This is the problem. So Tokyo was rebuilt; Gaza can be rebuilt. The only question is what type of ideology are we going to have? Are we going to have a Nazi ideology, or are we going to have peace-loving people just like Israel has a peace with Egypt, with Jordan, with UAE, Morocco, and Bahrain? And I believe that a better future will happen if we take this role model of Japan and we'll make sure the Palestinians will have a better future.






Shoko Egawa @amneris84

東京大空襲は大虐殺だ。街はただの建物の群ではなく、人々の日々営みの場。東京大空襲ではそこに暮らす非武装の市民約10万人の命が奪われた。それは「仕方がない死」ではないし、街の破壊は「必須」なんかではない。こんなこと言われて、日本政府は黙っているのかな。 twitter.com/rcampbelltokyo…

2024-01-13 18:59:18