XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより 24年1月後半

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Yuichi Hosoya 細谷雄一 @Yuichi_Hosoya

今、イギリスのジャーナリスト、デビッド・ロブソンが書いた『インテリジェンス・トラップ ーなぜ、賢い人ほど、愚かな決断を下すのか』を再読中。「なぜ優秀な人々が愚かな行動をとるのか、なぜときにはふつうの人よりも過ちを犯しがちなのか、が本書のテーマである」とのこと。

2024-01-27 17:38:33
Paul Beckwith @PaulHBeckwith

A 1993 dystopian novel imagined the world in 2024. It’s eerily accurate. - The Washington Post apple.news/Akd8qfwaURYqPt…

2024-01-14 10:55:23

XRの人びと People of XR

Extinction Rebellion Lambeth 🐝 @XRLambeth

LONDON CALLING ALL REBELS 📆 Sunday 4th Feb, 12-5pm Come to our Visioning Day & help set the direction of what XR London is & does. 2024 is a pivotal year of change. We need to channel our energy & activism in a radical way for impact. Register now: xrb.link/u3i9YJ6

2024-01-31 00:22:58
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

In the world of big powerful people, and vested interests, the sort that fly in private jets, not all is equal. They are protected by their PR, otherwise known as the mainstream media, whilst at the same time the MSM, flippantly smears their opponents, with falsehoods. 14/

2024-01-28 22:04:10
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

This is all performative by the media, because if something so false had been implied about a powerful person, or vested interest, they'd have had a big article, to fact-check what had actually happened, and the context. 13/

2024-01-28 22:04:10
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

What happened was climate activists threw soup onto a piece of bullet-proof glass in front of a painting, that can just be wiped off. But the media pretend it was an assault upon the painting, to stir up outrage at what they call "eco-morons" and "eco-clowns". 12/

2024-01-28 22:04:09
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

I'm just letting you all know the intellectual tricks and intellectual dishonesty, our media and powerful people use, to mislead the public, and to smear those who oppose their stupidity and damaging actions. Here's an example. twitter.com/ExtinctionR/st… 11/

2024-01-28 22:04:08
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

“What’s the most important thing?” ... “Art, or the right to healthy and sustainable food?” @Riposte_Alim activists demanded after throwing soup at the well protected art work. france24.com/en/france/2024…

2024-01-28 20:42:49
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

Donald Trump and Boris Johnson are arch exponents of "feigned stupidity, to mislead the public". Where they will say the most incredibly stupid things, which mislead their sheep like followers. Then if challenged they can pass it off as a joke, never intended to mislead. 10/

2024-01-28 22:04:08
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

I have a name for this intellectual sleight of hand, "feigned stupidity, with the intention of misleading the public". Where a powerful person or the media, pretend to believe something, which isn't true (as if they're stupid), for the purpose of misleading the public. 9/

2024-01-28 22:04:07
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

It might be asked, why journalists working for big media organizations, take it upon themselves to smear one of the most honest people in the world? Self-evidently, to please their bosses, who have a clear agenda, to please their bosses. To please the most powerful. 8/

2024-01-28 22:04:07
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

The whole process to confirm what Greta actually meant, took me about 2-3 minutes with Google. Yet oddly, no highly paid journalist, actually bothered to fact-check this. They preferred to mislead the public, by claiming Greta said something, she never did i.e. smeared her. 7/

2024-01-28 22:04:06
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

In other words, the media created an international furore, by falsely claiming Greta had implied our leadership should be shot, which she never said. When actually she used a Swedish idiom that meant "to confront someone, to demand answers or action" from our leadership. 6/

2024-01-28 22:04:05
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

First I translated "put against the wall", directly into Swedish - ställa mot väggen", then I looked it up as a Swedish idiom, and the definition in English is: "to confront someone, to demand answers or action". Don't take my word for it. en.wiktionary.org/wiki/st%C3%A4l… 5/

2024-01-28 22:04:05
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

Greta said she never meant to shoot our leaders, but was translating a Swedish idiom into English, which meant to put someone in the spotlight, so they had to act. Not just taking, Greta's word for it, I checked to see if that was true. 4/

2024-01-28 22:04:04
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

But the media, and the BBC has got a long history of doing this, making Greta apologize for things, that she never said. When Greta said, we need to "put our leaders against the wall", there was media outrage, implying she'd said they should be shot. bbc.co.uk/news/world-eur… 3/

2024-01-28 22:04:03
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

When I've listened to it, what I hear is Greta say a single word, in a heavy Swedish accent, saying "slee". Greta of course is a first language Swedish speaker. I have no idea what Greta meant. She has a wry sense of humour. But I never heard her say "Slay". 2/

2024-01-28 22:04:03
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

I want to illustrate how the mainstream media, here the BBC, slyly smeared @GretaThunberg In this news report yesterday, they claimed Greta had said "slay", which of course, in English, means to kill. bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-eng… 1/🧵

2024-01-28 22:04:02
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

I want to endorse everything @GretaThunberg says here. She has got some of the best analysis and insight when it comes to the climate and ecological crisis. She is right about the oligarch class 💯. bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-eng…

2024-01-28 09:47:00
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

💥BREAKING: @GretaThunberg joins XRUK at Farnborough Airport to condemn the 1% for their use of polluting private jets “The fact that using private jets is both legally & socially allowed in an escalating #ClimateEmergency is completely detached from reality" #BanPrivateJets pic.twitter.com/h1mIdZLvK5

2024-01-27 19:58:48
Extinction Rebellion Global @ExtinctionR

"Is democracy fragile and easily destroyed, or flexible and resilient? We may be about to find out." —Margaret Atwood via @FT pic.twitter.com/tIWUw0WOjM

2024-01-25 19:36:45
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

Climate emergencies & conflicts share a twisted history rooted in exploitation, colonialism, racism & poverty - those on the frontlines often becoming victims of violence & oppression. Of the 25 most climate-vulnerable nations, over half are already in conflict. #REBELFORPEACE pic.twitter.com/E8YEUbn4B5

2024-01-23 17:01:22
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

📢 Join the rebellion this Saturdaay and listen out for a special word from @ChrisGPackham! Join us at Farnborough Airport as we demand an end to private jets and to the airport’s abhorrent expansion plans. ➡️ t.me/+po78Y4KW18QyY… #FlyingToExtinction #BanPrivateFlights pic.twitter.com/BLiLizGkop

2024-01-22 16:43:01
climate mum @climatemum22

It is hitting now, and it's no longer possible to look away. twitter.com/MrMatthewTodd/…

2024-01-22 07:59:04
XR Islington 🌍 @XRIslington

Do we want a future for our children or not? If we do we have to stop burning #fossilfuels and very fast #ClimateActionNow 2023 smashes record for world’s hottest year by huge margin theguardian.com/environment/20…

2024-01-09 21:57:49
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