
XR日本/XRJapanのツイートより 24年2月前半

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ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

@sciencemuseum @GretaThunberg @RogerHighfield For the whole duration of the protest at the @scienceMuseum, during the event ‘2024: Science predictions for the year ahead’, a doctor from Health for XR (@DoctorsXr), is standing in silence holding a banner. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/xTImld1ezQ

2024-02-02 06:17:24
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

During a protest organised by Extinction Rebellion at the @Sciencemuseum, @GretaThunberg challenged science director,@RogerHighfield, in front of a packed auditorium, over the Adani sponsorship of the ‘Energy Revolution gallery’ due to open this spring 🧵 pic.twitter.com/56Rezaw00D

2024-02-02 06:15:01
ScientistsForXR @ScientistsX

🚨*Breaking news* "Is that what you stand for at the @sciencemuseum?" @GretaThunberg challenges the Science Museum's science director @RogerHighfield over the museums unethical fossil fuel sponsors - BP, Equinor & Adani! Video in🧵👇 pic.twitter.com/4ICCkzkFww

2024-02-02 06:09:05


Just Stop Oil @JustStop_Oil

🔥 8 CASES DISMISSED 🧡 Today 8 supporters of Just Stop Oil had their wilful obstruction of the highway cases dismissed due to insufficient evidence. ⛓️ They were arrested for marching November last year. 🦺 Casper, 31, from Stoke Newington said: "Two months after being arrested exercising my right to protest, the CPS finally admit the have no evidence of disruption and discontinue the case. Court time wasted. Lawyers time wasted. Prosecutors time wasted. When will the police and justice system actually investigate the real criminals?" 💸 Support people resisting corruption — juststopoil.org/crowdfunder

2024-02-07 02:36:30
Kaoru Nemoto @KaoruNemoto

英の裁判所、抗議デモで公共の秩序を乱したと起訴されたグレタ・トゥンベリさんら5人に無罪判決 昨年10月、ロンドンでのエネルギー業界の年次会合の会場前で抗議活動、出入りを妨害して公共の秩序を乱したとして逮捕、起訴 警察のデモ参加者への条件は非常に不明確で、合法性が認められない、と twitter.com/amnesty/status…

2024-02-03 18:55:13
Amnesty International @amnesty

The charges against Greta Thunberg and 4 other climate activists have now been thrown out. Peaceful protest is a human right and must be respected ✊ #ProtectTheProtest pic.twitter.com/uRVpVYWy3G

2024-02-03 01:34:24
Miss Marple Ⓥ 💙💛 🌈🍉 @lovemissmarple

デモをする権利👍グレタ・トゥンベリさんと4人の仲間がロンドンで無罪判決を勝ち取った🌎 twitter.com/BladeoftheS/st…

2024-02-03 12:32:06
BladeoftheSun @BladeoftheS

Greta Thunberg's victory is a win for humanity, and an embarrassing loss for this disgusting Government that seeks to steal all our rights, including peaceful protest. pic.twitter.com/HYjBvzNJhB

2024-02-03 03:26:54
Emma Smart @smartyfish

“The government should stop prosecuting peaceful protestors… & instead find ways to tackle the #ClimateCrisis” Well said @Raj_Chada 👏 A significant win in a huge fight ✊ Solidarity @fossilfreeLDN @StopCambo @XRebellionUK @GretaThunberg @HJAcivillibs twitter.com/fossilfreeldn/…

2024-02-03 03:11:39
Fossil Free London @fossilfreeLDN

The 5 #OilyMoneyOut protestors in court today have all been acquitted due to a ‘condition so unclear …that it was unlawful.’ Judge Law This is a rare glimmer of justice, in a rising sea of repression. Climate protest is not a crime but it is still treated as such. We resist! pic.twitter.com/mIzhE5gnUK

2024-02-03 01:18:51
Amnesty International @amnesty

The charges against Greta Thunberg and 4 other climate activists have now been thrown out. Peaceful protest is a human right and must be respected ✊ #ProtectTheProtest pic.twitter.com/uRVpVYWy3G

2024-02-03 01:34:24
Fossil Free London @fossilfreeLDN

The 5 #OilyMoneyOut protestors in court today have all been acquitted due to a ‘condition so unclear …that it was unlawful.’ Judge Law This is a rare glimmer of justice, in a rising sea of repression. Climate protest is not a crime but it is still treated as such. We resist! pic.twitter.com/mIzhE5gnUK

2024-02-03 01:18:51
George Monbiot @GeorgeMonbiot

In the UK and around the world, environmental defenders are being attacked with ever more extreme laws. Who designs these laws? Corporate lobbyists. Who demands they are imposed? The billionaire media. THIS IS NOT JUSTICE. This week's column. 🧵 theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

2024-02-02 21:42:33
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥンベリ ”実際の犯罪は、私たちが反対の行動をとっている業界や企業が犯しているのだ。私たちには真実があり、道徳がある。やがて、このことは明らかになるだろう。#FridaysForFuture #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateActivismIsNotACrimetwitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2024-02-04 03:32:12
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

The actual crime is committed by the very industries and companies we are acting against. We have the truth on our side, and we have morality on our side. In time, this will be revealed. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateActivismIsNotACrime #ClimateStrike

2024-02-02 18:58:58
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥンベリ ”我々がここに立っているとしても、そして世界中の気候変動、環境、人権活動家たちが、科学に沿った行動をとったために、その活動の標的にされ、起訴され、時には有罪判決を受け、法的処罰を受けているとしても、真の敵が誰であるかを忘れてはならない。” twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2024-02-04 03:30:36
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Even though we are the ones standing here, and climate-, environmental- and human rights activists all over the world are being targeted for their activism, prosecuted, sometimes convicted and given legal penalties for acting in line with science, we must remember who the real enemy is.

2024-02-02 18:58:57
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥンベリ ”これらの企業は生物圏と気候を不安定にし、私たちすべてが生存するために依存している生命維持システムを破壊している。無数の人々の生活と生計を脅かし、破壊している。私たちには、炭素を地中にとどめ、現在と将来の世代の安全な生活を確保するための法律がない。” twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2024-02-04 03:28:41
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

These companies are destabilising the biosphere and climate, the life-supporting systems we all depend on to survive. They have displaced and destroyed countless people's lives and livelihoods. We don’t have the laws to keep the carbon in the ground and ensure safe lives for present and future generations.

2024-02-02 18:58:57
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

グレタ・トゥンベリ ”第285週 今日は気候ストライキができない。私は10月の石油会議に平和的に抗議した5人の活動家の一人として、ロンドンで裁判にかけられている。このデモは、化石企業の日常業務がもたらす恐ろしい結果を浮き彫りにすることを目的としていた。” twitter.com/GretaThunberg/…

2024-02-04 03:27:31
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Week 285. Today we are unable to have a climate strike. I’m one of 5 activists in a trial in London for peacefully protesting against an oil conference in October. The demonstration aimed to highlight the terrible consequence of the everyday business of fossil corporations. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/hKJmhTK2WO

2024-02-02 18:58:56
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

The actual crime is committed by the very industries and companies we are acting against. We have the truth on our side, and we have morality on our side. In time, this will be revealed. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateJusticeNow #ClimateActivismIsNotACrime #ClimateStrike

2024-02-02 18:58:58
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Even though we are the ones standing here, and climate-, environmental- and human rights activists all over the world are being targeted for their activism, prosecuted, sometimes convicted and given legal penalties for acting in line with science, we must remember who the real enemy is.

2024-02-02 18:58:57
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

These companies are destabilising the biosphere and climate, the life-supporting systems we all depend on to survive. They have displaced and destroyed countless people's lives and livelihoods. We don’t have the laws to keep the carbon in the ground and ensure safe lives for present and future generations.

2024-02-02 18:58:57
Greta Thunberg @GretaThunberg

Week 285. Today we are unable to have a climate strike. I’m one of 5 activists in a trial in London for peacefully protesting against an oil conference in October. The demonstration aimed to highlight the terrible consequence of the everyday business of fossil corporations. 🧵 pic.twitter.com/hKJmhTK2WO

2024-02-02 18:58:56
Extinction Rebellion UK 🌍 @XRebellionUK

FUCK #FOSSILFUELS XR rebel & lawyer, Nicola Harries: "Hosting an oil & money conference in the middle of the unfolding #ClimateEmergency was sickening - our 'justice system' is putting the wrong people in the dock." Solidarity with all #climateactivists taking action✊️ pic.twitter.com/J5b1NgnpW9

2024-02-01 23:55:31
malvernkite @malvernkite

@SteB777 @OliviaMLondon @GretaThunberg UN report on repressive treatment of protesters in UK - please read and publicise....unece.org/sites/default/…

2024-02-01 21:24:03
XR日本/XRJapan(XR=エクスティンクション・レベリオン) @XrXrjapan

シュテファン・バーロー ”道徳心を持つすべての人々が、グレタ・トゥーンベリと共に立ち上がる必要がある。 平和的な抗議を違法とすることは、腐敗しており、道徳的に破綻している。ファシスト的行為だ。”  昨年10月17日のロンドンでの抗議行動に関して訴追されているとのこと。 twitter.com/SteB777/status…

2024-02-02 06:13:48
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

All people with a moral compass need to stand with @GretaThunberg. Making peaceful protest illegal, is corrupt and morally bankrupt. It is a fascist type action. itv.com/news/london/20…

2024-02-01 20:11:39
Stephen Barlow @SteB777

All people with a moral compass need to stand with @GretaThunberg. Making peaceful protest illegal, is corrupt and morally bankrupt. It is a fascist type action. itv.com/news/london/20…

2024-02-01 20:11:39


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