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シオン(正鷹) @Shion_nysh

林快彦先生の漫画の魅せ方がとても素敵で大好き! 遊び心を体現したかの様な演出やコマ割り、立体的で奥行き感のある絵。 魔々勇々本当に最高だった!!! 3巻と4巻、そして先生の次回作楽しみにしてます! 改めての感想でした。 #ままゆう

2024-04-25 08:07:19
Isa💢 @ReadBeastars_

Mamayuyu Yeah. For such a short lived series I really loved this one. Corleo was a great protagonist and with a concept of being a hero (especially for a series that had it short lived).I really loved his character. His development. He truly was a special one. Hell, special pic.twitter.com/bAyNGQcu6E

2024-04-23 12:56:42
Isa💢 @ReadBeastars_

would describe my feelings on this series in general. So many points where this series could've been something greater, I genuinely believe in a different magazine (that wasn't WSJ) this series could've reached an actual conclusion and consistently dropped far more great chapters

2024-04-23 12:58:21
Isa💢 @ReadBeastars_

The paneling oh my god. It literally is something special. The framing and the way the author uses it to play around with not only perspective but with the art as well is so much damn fun to see. I've already said it but goddamnit I wanna live in a timeline where this series hit

2024-04-23 12:59:41
Isa💢 @ReadBeastars_

it's full potential. There was an endless supply of it. And even nearing its end, it remained conclusive, and fulling, despite the axe being brought down on it. You were special Mamayuyu. I hope to see more of Hayashi in the future. Fly high man. Fly high.

2024-04-23 13:01:03
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