
2011年シーズンで引退したノルウェー人自転車選手、クルト-アスル・アルヴェセン選手の現役生活最後の1年をまとめてみました。 自分用の覚え書きなので内容がかなり散漫です。

冬から春 ~シーズン開始から春のクラシックまで~


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Heading for Mallorca. Part 2 trainingcamp w @TeamSky

2011-01-03 14:35:56
Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Another good trainingday here @ Majorca, 5h w/ efforts :)

2011-01-20 02:17:23


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

@teamsky on the way to Qatar. @LPNordhaug is looking forward to some crosswind racing http://yfrog.com/hsvuinj

2011-02-03 20:07:50


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Thanks for all the birthday greetings! Had a dusty day here in Qatar :)

2011-02-10 04:21:50
Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Qatar done! Survived without a scratch!! Happy :)

2011-02-12 01:05:50


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Stannard said "let's go!" ...and we went! Nice call Ian!! Edvald #2 http://yfrog.com/gyc6tsj

2011-02-18 21:09:26
Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Long day in Oman, 3h speedboat, 5,5h race, then 3h car back to basecamp. Thanks for support from Dubai and Norway! http://yfrog.com/h4mtxwuj

2011-02-18 00:23:30
Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

He fell asleep in Muscat and woke up in Oslo... :) http://yfrog.com/hsdwtjgj

2011-02-21 20:20:16


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

Milano-Sanremo done. Not a super day for us. But as they say in the rally-circus: "but, but it's not only only! " :)

2011-03-20 02:18:38


Kurt Asle Arvesen @kaarvesen

@TeamSky had a great day, two top ten :) I had a shit day, but thats Roubaix. A lot of men down with me.

2011-04-11 02:12:23
Philip van der Ploeg @pvdploeg

@kaarvesen how many km's did you race Today without saddle?

2011-04-11 03:23:52
1 ・・ 6 次へ