2012/2/28・18:00開始 東京電力による「原発」に関する記者会見

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東京電力ホールディングス 株式会社 @OfficialTEPCO

◎プレス◎本日(2/28)、「スマートメーターの仕様に関する提案募集の開始について」プレス発表いたしました。 http://t.co/79PcvNze

2012-02-28 18:30:06
福山哲郎・立憲民主党 @fuku_tetsu

また、講談社から大鹿靖明氏「メルトダウン」、学研から朝日新聞で連載されていた「プロメテウスの罠」等々、原発事故関連書籍が相次いで出版されています。 こういった検証がいろいろなところで行われることはいいことだと思います。

2012-02-28 19:31:04
Jake Adelstein/中本哲史 @jakeadelstein

The Buddha of Fukushima came to speak at the FCCJ today. He gave away his photos of the forbidden zone. http://t.co/Ki5Oxffg

2012-02-28 14:40:39
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

@dicklp With the Jpanese police in Fukushima nuclear evacuation zone. See my report in 2morrow's @thetimes @timesworld http://t.co/gZnXPRvC

2012-02-28 01:27:57
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Abandoned newspapers from 13 March 2011, day of evacuation from #Fukushima nuclear disaster zone @timesworld @TheTimes http://t.co/ZgCQJ13d

2012-02-28 01:32:22
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Scanned for radiation after leaving #Fukushima nuke zone. (I was in the clear.) More in 2morrow's @TheTimes @timesworld http://t.co/aYq9xueo

2012-02-28 01:40:51
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

"Japan's nuclear no-go zone refuses to give up dead." My report in @TheTimes with pics by @JshPhotog (£) http://t.co/3nCvJDEc #Fukushima

2012-02-28 08:29:01
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Just arriving at TEPCO's "J-Village" before going into Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station @TheTimes @timesworld

2012-02-28 08:31:00
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

I've just has a Whole Body Scan for radiation. 633 counts per minute which, though I do say so myself, is pretty damn good. #Fukushima

2012-02-28 08:40:49
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

Just had full body radiation check at J-Village ... all clear. http://t.co/qmPeXOsc

2012-02-28 08:54:31
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Protective equipment for going in to #Fukushima #Daiichi. Even my audio recorder has been covered in vinyl @timesworld http://t.co/HJk37qE8

2012-02-28 09:05:15
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Anxious #TEPCO officials have just assessed my size and given me the largest fitting of Tyvek body suit - 3L. #fukushimadaiichi @TheTimes

2012-02-28 09:12:48
Richard Lloyd Parry @dicklp

Twitter silence will follow. Phones are confiscated while we go into #Fukushima #Daiichi http://t.co/eqLZOOR0

2012-02-28 10:01:56
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

No phones allowed from here, will write more this afternoon. http://t.co/GkYjUZzo

2012-02-28 10:09:22
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

Fukushima tour over, about to meet workers. Glad to be out of sweaty Tyvek

2012-02-28 14:24:06
Noriyuki SHIKATA (四方敬之) @norishikata

Just finished a press tour of #Fukushima Daiichi, dedicated to international correspondents . The entire tour took nearly six hours.

2012-02-28 14:46:57
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

CPM count on whole body counter slightly lower after Fukushima Daiichi trip ... http://t.co/BEOj9SmF

2012-02-28 15:15:56
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