2010年6月5 日、レイチェル・コリー号(ガザ自由船団)が本当に拿捕されるまで、およびその後

【6・6イスラエル大使館行動@東京】 http://0000000000.net/p-navi/info/info/201006041809.htm 関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 続きを読む
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Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

Nobel laureate Mairead Maguire, says the Rachel Corrie's radar systems have been jammed. Says situation on board was calm. #Gaza #flotilla

2010-06-05 14:35:37
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

#Israel says its troops have not so far boarded #Gaza-bound aid ship_

2010-06-05 14:41:26
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

From the BBC: IOF issued initial request to ship to identify. No warning to the ship. Not boarding ship yet. No contact for hour and a half.

2010-06-05 14:43:13
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

IDF: Rachel Corrie ignores IDF navy call to dock @ Ashdod Port, transfer aid over land http://ht.ly/1UpNX

2010-06-05 15:05:15
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Ethan Bronner, @nytimes propagandist, says "aggressive activists" on #flotilla "overwhelmed" Israeli soldiers http://j.mp/8XDq1F

2010-06-05 15:06:41
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

According to the IOF, the boat was stopped in international waters six minutes ago and that it is legal. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 15:10:14
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

Update: Rachel Corrie has now rejected 2nd call from IDF navy to dock at Ashdod Port

2010-06-05 15:15:28
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson Didn't you "withdraw" from Gaza and declare it a foreign entity? So on what grounds do you control its borders?

2010-06-05 15:17:14
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

.@IDFSpokesperson Why are you jamming Rachel Corrie's signals? Why can't we speak to people on board?

2010-06-05 15:21:24
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Engine expert. "They may be apprehensive to use helicopters this time. If you want to drag the Rachel, you must first break his engine."

2010-06-05 15:23:00
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Sky News now: RC refused a second call to go to Ashdod. Not sure of the source for this. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 15:26:17
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

.@IDFSpokesperson Why should anyone believe a word you say when you so obviously faked the Marmara audio? http://bit.ly/9TDcz3

2010-06-05 15:29:21
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6536MF20100604 99% killed shot multiple times at close range.Autopsy reports evidence of executions

2010-06-05 15:37:49
Remi Kanazi @Remroum

Israel asks Rachel Corrie to "change course." Why don't you change course? End apartheid, occupation, racism, and allow refugees to return

2010-06-05 15:43:57
Jamal Dajani جمال @JamalDajani

According to Al Jazeera #Israel navy trying to force the Rachel Corrie ship to Ashdod #flotilla #Gaza

2010-06-05 15:43:57
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Video: huge funerals, outpouring for Mavi Marmara martyrs in Turkey #flotilla http://bit.ly/aYP5kA

2010-06-05 15:54:07
Jamal Dajani جمال @JamalDajani

#Israel says #Gaza-bound Rachel Corrie ignores two invitations to dock at Ashdod port http://bit.ly/aoNzYb #flotilla

2010-06-05 16:01:32
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

A Global Civil Society Campaign to De-Legitimise Israel? - IPS ipsnews.net http://shar.es/mZOcY

2010-06-05 16:02:39
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

One rocket was fired from Gaza Strip and landed in Western Negev region- no injuries or damages reported.

2010-06-05 16:04:23
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

Israel: Gaza-bound ship 'Rachel Corrie' ignores order to stop, "preparing for possible takeover" http://j.mp/9Y24mM

2010-06-05 16:04:32
Jamal Dajani جمال @JamalDajani

BREAKING: #Israel navy gives Rachel Corrie last warning & threatens to board #flotilla #Gaza

2010-06-05 16:05:29
Jamal Dajani جمال @JamalDajani

Rachel Corrie ship keeps moving towards #Gaza . She refuses to go to Ashdod #flotilla #Israel

2010-06-05 16:07:21
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