
著名な方のメビウス氏追悼ツィートを集めて見ました 50音順 敬称略
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Dan Slott @DanSlott

...to drop by your shop today, pick up a copy of #Moebius' (Jean Giraud's) work. I remember the 1st time I read AIRTIGHT GARAGE and what...

2012-03-10 21:18:09
Dan Slott @DanSlott

...a revelation it was! We lost a giant in the industry today. But we're also fortunate that we have all these gifts that he left for us.

2012-03-10 21:21:44
Dan Slott @DanSlott

This Moebius poster of The Thing was up on my wall for years! Loved his Marvel posters & Silver Surfer two-parter. http://t.co/LhAtHyPM

2012-03-10 21:35:44

Jason Sacks(アメリカのコミック業界情報サイト Comics Bulletin のオーナー)

Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

So sad to hear about Jean Giraud, aka Moebius, passing away. He was a true giant who produced some titanic, unique art. Very sad day.

2012-03-11 04:34:17
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

I'll have an obit of Moebius up on @ComicsBulletin in a few hours.

2012-03-11 04:35:16
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

In honor of #moebius here's a wonderful page by the master from @DeevElliott's fantastic A1 anthology, issue 4. http://t.co/54M7gUws

2012-03-12 01:09:36
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

A page from the sketchbooks of #moebius reprinted in A1 #4, the great anthology comic edited by @DeevElliott http://t.co/iVzl6ZZE

2012-03-12 01:11:48
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

Sorry for the crappiness of the images, they're cell pix because my wife is asleep in the room with the good scanner.

2012-03-12 01:13:25
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

@DanielElkin hey rather than Shut Up Little Man which we can save, would u like to write about the doc In Search of Moebius? It's on YouTube

2012-03-12 01:15:08
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

@DanielElkin well up to you, it just seems timely. And I got the name wrong, it's Moebius Redux.

2012-03-12 01:22:15
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

Working on my #moebius tribute now. It's coming along nicely. Should be posted pretty soon.

2012-03-12 04:29:20
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

The amazing Moebius was a completely individual, incredible talent. I will miss him terribly Please read my tribute.http://bit.ly/A0q08Z

2012-03-12 05:23:50
Jason Sacks @jasonsacks

My obituary for Jean Giraud, a.k.a. Moebius,1938-2012, has received 2000 page hits on @comicsbulletin Have you read it? http://t.co/P3uxJXdP

2012-03-14 03:37:56

Jim Lee(アメコミ作家)

Jim Lee @JimLee

Damn-wake up in the middle of the nite & see Jean Giraud (Moebius) has passed away. A huge influence & true visionary, we've lost the best

2012-03-10 21:41:51

Jon Favreau(映画監督、代表作「アイアンマン」)

Locus Magazine(アメリカのSF専門誌)

Jean Giraud, AKA Moebius (1938-2012)

— posted Saturday 10 March 2012 @ 10:18 am PDT

Legendary French artist Jean Henri Gaston Giraud, AKA Moebius, 73, died on March 10, 2012, reportedly after a long bout with cancer.

Giraud’s work can be found in films, comics, books, and more. Over his 50-plus year career, he won a large number of awards, and in 2011 was inducted into the SF Hall of Fame. His most well-known comic creation was the Western anti-hero Blueberry, first appearing in 1963 in France. He and Stan Lee scripted a two-part miniseries Silver Surfer, winning an Eisner Award in 1989. Giraud was also instrumental in concept art and design for multiple SF films, including Alien, Tron, The Abyss, and The Fifth Element. He was one of the creaters of film Time Masters.

Giraud was born in the Paris suburb of Nogent-sur-Marne in 1938.

See the complete obituary in the April 2012 issue of Locus, which will also contain a section featuring SF/F artists.

Scott Kurtz(ウェブコミック・アーティスト)

Scott Kurtz @pvponline

Moebius's work challenged and frightened me as a kid. It was odd and foreign and fascinating. So beautiful and detailed.

2012-03-11 01:24:02
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