舘野 泉さん

Izumi Tateno Scriabin Nocturne for left hand 左手のためのノクターン(スクリャービン) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8FaPBEN8Uk 舘野泉 フェスティヴァル2012-2013記者会見レポート(写真も)via @japan_arts http://ja-pianist.seesaa.net/article/259349559.html 続きを読む
Kalmia @kapok2009

just his left hand. This year, he has begun a "Left-handed Music Festival," a concert tour that will act as a compilation of his works.

2012-10-05 22:31:34
Kalmia @kapok2009

We will hear his works and about the hopes he has for the music festival."

2012-10-05 22:31:39