アニメエキスポ2012コスプレ写真まとめ / Anime Expo 2012 Cosplay Pics Collection

6/29〜7/2の3日間に渡りアメリカロサンゼルスで開催されたアニメエキスポ2012のコスプレ写真を #ax2012 #animeexpo #animeexpo2012 ハッシュタグからトゥギャりました。 Event : Anime Expo 2012 Venue : Los Angeles Convention Center, USA Date : 6/29-7/2 2012 続きを読む
Tianna @MindlessGoo

Check these guys out this weekend! #animeexpo go see my work!!!! http://t.co/dI5nGpkX

2012-06-28 13:40:54
Mai Miura @mai__chu

Can't wait for #animeexpo this weekend!! Haven't been in years http://t.co/cYtFXNs3

2012-06-28 13:56:54
Moog -dead on the inside- @moogiri

Inori from Guilty Crown #ax2012 http://t.co/6VMScEVX SO EVERYZING ZAT MAKES MEH WHOLE

2012-06-29 09:03:23
Mónica Rial @Rialisms

*tap tap* Is this thing on? ;) About to walk the red carpet! #AnimeExpo2012 http://t.co/khddDM3Z

2012-06-29 10:07:07
Naruleach @Naruleach

Only had to wait in line 1.5 hours to get my badge! Saw this on the way out #AnimeExpo2012 http://t.co/jD6152tB

2012-06-29 12:50:26
Gackto @Gacktstream

Have you seen my cosplay outfit for anime expo? #AX2012 party time! http://t.co/OYhhHCtg

2012-06-30 01:33:47
stephanie apepe @stephieapepe

She is too cute!!! Day 1 #AX2012 photo journal @ Los Angeles Convention Center http://t.co/NvMoT957

2012-06-30 02:04:11
stephanie apepe @stephieapepe

I can't even deal with this!!! Day 1 #AX2012 photo journal @ Los Angeles Convention Center http://t.co/uxrt4BmW

2012-06-30 02:36:58
stephanie apepe @stephieapepe

Outside of my office...I haven't even been downstairs yet!!! Day 1 #AX2012 @ Los Angeles Convention Center http://t.co/Ge4SBEQc

2012-06-30 02:39:59
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