OpJapan 関連のツイートまとめ

海外Anonymousの OpJapan 関連のツイートを個人用メモとして時系列にまとめました。
前へ 1 ・・ 12 13 15 次へ
OpJapan Official @op_japan

Targets are currently being nmapped, targets will be announced in #opJapan in the Anonymous webchat. http://t.co/K0d9W3kJ

2012-07-27 09:14:10


OpJapan Official @op_japan

Targets will be set tonight at 9:00pm GMT (London time). #opJapan

2012-07-27 20:04:21
OpJapan Official @op_japan

Targets announced tonight at 9PM GMT (35Minutes to go) #OpJapan

2012-07-28 04:23:38
OpJapan Official @op_japan

We cannot do this on our own, fire up those cannons and fire! #opJapan #Anonymous

2012-07-28 05:01:30


+--------------- [ #opJapan ] ---------+
| Target [1]: http://www.tepco.co.jp/ |
| Target [2]: http://www.mofa.go.jp/ |
| Target [3]: http://www.courts.go.jp/ |

OpJapan Official @op_japan

Someone accidentally put co.jp instead of go.jp for http://t.co/8shc2aoL - #derps Keep firing

2012-07-28 05:10:09

7/31 参議院外交防衛委員会でのACTA可決を受け、海外のAnonymousが反応

Unregulated Mathematics @ClipperChip

Going back to Defcon 2: #ACTA has passed in the Japanese Upper House, not yet the lower house. Possibly it can be stopped. #Anonymous HELP!

2012-08-01 23:34:18

EMERGENCY. ALL ANONS REPORT TO THE BATCAVE: Japan passed #ACTA! :-[ http://t.co/kfqdh7kG (Orginal: http://t.co/Ik8Gftq0 ) #OpJapan

2012-08-01 23:34:54

#OpJapan: Major announcement ahead. Stay tuned. // #Japan passed #ACTA which is clearly against their constitution! | http://t.co/WgDq8bhE

2012-08-01 23:37:29
Anonymous @YourAnonNews

#OpJAPAN , japan passes ACTA . all anons to bat cave

2012-08-01 23:40:06
Unregulated Mathematics @ClipperChip

緊急: 参議院にてインターネット監視法案 #ACTA がろくな議論も為されないまま7月31日に承認された。アノニマスは自由を弾圧する政府を決して見逃さず、許さない。 #OpJapan #Anonymous #TokyoRevolution

2012-08-01 23:50:57

#OpJapan: Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda, PHONE: 03-3581-0101 | EMAIL: post@nodayoshi.gr.jp | Call/Email via @Fe1s

2012-08-02 02:50:54
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