
Rúnar @runarorama

Machines, a library of demand-driven coroutines for Scala:

2012-08-27 00:54:27
Richard Wallace @purefn

@runarorama Just looking at scala-machines, wondering if there is a writeup on them somewhere? One thing I'm not seeing is a 'Sink' equiv.

2012-08-28 14:21:24
Josh Suereth @jsuereth

Finally! A more well formed I/O library: Kudos to @runarorama for the stage and run style I/O.

2012-08-28 21:49:35
Josh Suereth @jsuereth

@runarorama as soon as I find time! I like the walls you set up between things a lot. I'll see what side I can offer good code for

2012-08-28 21:53:49
Timothy Perrett @timperrett

@jsuereth @runarorama looks interesting but i'd like to understand it more - care to write a blog post about it?

2012-08-28 22:19:54
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

.@tanakh いや、scalaz commiterの人が個人のリポジトリで作り始めたのが数週間前で、同じくらいのタイミングでこれ も作られてて、どちらかが影響をあたえてportingしたのではなく、同時な気がします

2012-08-30 01:43:01
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

.@tanakh あとそもそもScala版に Edward Kmettさんの名前が入っていて、 Scala版を作ってるBjarnasonさんとEdward Kmettさんって同じ会社勤めてるらしいですし

2012-08-30 01:46:55
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

あーそして逆にHaskell版にBjarnasonさんの名前入ってるので 「最初に設計思想があって→2人が同時にHaskellとScalaで別々に実装」という展開だと思うのだが、その設計理論がどこから来たのかが謎

2012-08-30 02:00:57
Rúnar @runarorama

I gave a talk on “Machines” and stream processing in Haskell and Scala, at the Brisbane FP Group in December 2012:

2013-01-27 03:54:19