
Scratch@MIT August 11, 2010 – August 14, 2010
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Susan Ettenheim @susanettenheim

Excited to meet some other high school teachers today! #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:23:48
Alejandro Martinez @Imixe

o_O un niño de 13 años me acaba de dar clases de POO #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:26:54
love_1776 @love_1776

"There's a Sabino at MIT...and it's not me :[" -my sister #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:34:16
Lisa Rubini-LaForest 🌈 @RubiniLaForest

Anyone interested in an self-organized session on using Scratch in high school? #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:39:00
Daishi Kato @dai_shi

Mich sent his mother on Mother's Day a link of Mother's Day Cards created by children. #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:46:44
Daishi Kato @dai_shi

Scratch Board detects the loudness to make a sprite jump in Scratch. #scratchmit

2010-08-12 22:56:56

RT @RubiniBikes: @susanettenheim I am a high school teacher! I will try to say hi. #scratchmit

2010-08-12 23:00:53

RT @TamieAsakura: RT @abee2: Scratch@MITは今日から本番。ハッシュタグは #scratchmit で既にプリカンファレンスの様子が公開されている。さすがは上田先生チーム。

2010-08-12 23:01:00

RT @karen_brennan: lots to do before Wednesday, but totally looking forward to #ScratchMIT conference --

2010-08-12 23:02:11
Daishi Kato @dai_shi

RT @hari_nezumi: RT @TamieAsakura: RT @abee2: Scratch@MITは今日から本番。ハッシュタグは #scratchmit で既にプリカンファレンスの様子が公開されている。さすがは上田先生チーム。

2010-08-12 23:02:49
Lisa Rubini-LaForest 🌈 @RubiniLaForest

@susanettenheim #scratchmit today at 3 is a great time for a highschool self organized session

2010-08-12 23:03:13
Susan Ettenheim @susanettenheim

#scratchmit remix visualization - wow wish we could bring this culture into school! - so much for the 100th bird report!

2010-08-12 23:04:38

RT @susanettenheim: #scratchmit remix visualization - wow wish we could bring this culture into school! - so much for the 100th bird report!

2010-08-12 23:06:36
Susan Ettenheim @susanettenheim

#scratchmit anyone catch the name of the person interested in microblogging the scratch process?

2010-08-12 23:10:28
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