Cotocoto art cafe Vol. 22 togetter

Dec. 17, 2012 (Mon.) 19h30-20h05 at the Ustream Studio Hakata Sisters, Hakata Hankyu M3 floor, Fukuoka, JAPAN. Guest: Yamaguchi Yozo, Shouji Sachiko (curator of Fukuoka Art Museum), Takeguchi Koji (curator of Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art) MC and Caster: Miyoshi Gouhei (secretary staff of Machinaka Art Gallery) Techinical: Morooka Mitsuo (artist) 続きを読む
ohaz🐝ARTBASE88 @ohaz

また来月ーーっ ありがとうございました! ( #cotocoto live at

2012-12-17 20:03:14
辻大地 @DaichiTsuji

RT @ohaz: 福岡現代美術クロニクル1970−2000 公式ページ(福岡市美術館サイト内) ( #cotocoto live at

2012-12-18 01:07:30