
 2月6日(日本時間)発生の地震に関する英語・日本語ニュース、2月11日分。一般の方の呟きは無し。  近隣のオーストラリアやニュージーランドが出しつつある支援の話題など。現地では物資不足や衛生状況悪化から健康被害が心配されているよう。 [他の日のニュース] ソロモン諸島地震・津波ニュースまとめ目次 http://togetter.com/li/452608 続きを読む
まとめ 20130206ソロモン諸島地震ニュースまとめ:5日目  2月6日(日本時間)発生の地震に関する英語・日本語ニュース、2月10日分。一般の方の呟きは無し。  現地の居住環境や衛生状況の悪さが心配されている。政府もまだ被害全容を掴めていない。 [他の日のニュース] ソロモン諸島地震・津波ニュースまとめ目次 http://togetter.com/li/452608 ◆気象庁津波情報◆平成25年2月6日14時41分発表 http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/tsunami/ ◆USGS公式発表◆2013-02-06 10:12:27 UTC+09:00 M8.0 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000f1s0#summary ◇NAVERまとめ:【死者6人】ソロモン諸島沖でM8の.. 1071 pv 1
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄----------- 2/11(月祝) ----------✄

2013-02-11 00:00:00
Breaking News @BreakingNews

6.3-magnitude earthquake reported in the Santa Cruz Islands - USGS http://t.co/buRZI8JP

2013-02-11 04:17:23
World Vision Asia-Pacific @WVAsia

World Vision & #TheWarehouseGroup partners in #SolomonIslands relief work. TWG donates NZD$60,000-worth of urgently needed non-food items.

2013-02-11 08:02:17
World Vision Asia-Pacific @WVAsia

Relief supplies via MVArnavon arrived #Lata yesterday but unloading difficult due 2 damaged wharf & continuing aftershocks. #SolomonIslands

2013-02-11 08:24:07
MSN産経ニュースbot [test] @SankeiShimbun

【国際】 ソロモン諸島沖でM6.3:  米地質調査所(USGS)によると、南太平洋のソロモン諸島沖で11日午前5時39分(日本時間同3時39分)ごろ、マグニチュード(M)6.3の地震があった。震源地は首都ホニアラの東南東62... http://t.co/ziLKFPoE

2013-02-11 09:19:11
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ 2/12(火) -----------✄

2013-02-12 00:00:00

"Health fears for tsunami-hit Solomon Islands" (動画あり/英語)

"What the people need most right now is water because the water source that supplies Lata and the villages around Lata township, that water source was destroyed by the tsunami.
 Up in the bush there is no water, people have to literally carry water from Lata and other sources around here in containers for cooking, drinking and general washing. In the near future my fear is an outbreak of diarrhoea and things like that."

"Australia's Foreign Minister Bob Carr has visited the region, saying more assistance is needed on the ground.
 Senator Carr says Australia will send two AUSAID workers to assess the damage and help coordinate the relief effort.
 Australia is also funding a flight to take medical staff to the affected region and to evacuate severely injured people for treatment in capital Honiara."

"A New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757 departed for Honiara on Monday carrying sanitation kits, tarpaulins, water containers and chainsaws packs."


"First emergency aid to reach 1000 people in eastern Santa Cruz" Posted at 01:53 on 11 February, 2013 UTC

"The first shipment of emergency aid supplies arrived at the weekend, after the magnitude 8 earthquake and subsequent tsunami last Wednesday destroyed many homes and killed at least ten people."

"Solomon Palusi says more aid supplies are still urgently needed."


"Lata hospital in Solomons running low on supplies" Posted at 03:25 on 11 February, 2013 UTC

"She says a nearby water source was contaminated by the tsunami, while the hospital kitchen is almost out of food."


"Aftershocks in Solomon Islands" Updated at 1:21 pm on 11 February 2013

"World Vision says there have been more than 150 aftershocks in Solomon Islands since a magnitude 8.0 earthquake and tsunami on Wednesday."

"He said the number of dead is now 11."

"The Red Cross says the only form of contact is by mobile phone.
 Secretary general Joanne Zoleveke said email services are down and no official assessment reports have been received."


"Aid trickles into quake-hit Solomon Islands" 11 Feb 2013, 4:37 pm

"Australia and New Zealand have both pledged funds to the relief effort, with Australia also sending an air force Hercules to survey the disaster zone and chartering a flight to ferry injured patients to the capital Honiara."


まとめ 20130206ソロモン諸島地震ニュースまとめ:7日目  2月6日(日本時間)発生の地震に関する英語・日本語ニュース、2月12日分。一般の方の呟きは無し。  近隣のオーストラリアやニュージーランドが出しつつある支援の話題など。現地では物資不足や衛生状況悪化から健康被害が心配されているよう。 [他の日のニュース] ソロモン諸島地震・津波ニュースまとめ目次 http://togetter.com/li/452608 ◆気象庁津波情報◆平成25年2月6日14時41分発表 http://www.jma.go.jp/jp/tsunami/ ◆USGS公式発表◆2013-02-06 10:12:27 UTC+09:00 M8.0 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usc000f1s0#summary ◇N.. 1357 pv 1
まとめ ソロモン諸島地震・津波ニュースまとめ目次  地震発生の2月6日からのまとめ。  たぶん更新終了。  (その他のまとめ一覧 http://togetter.com/li/121730 ) 1238 pv 1