
Twitter Open Source @TwitterOSS

yesterday we released storehaus, a #scala library that makes it easy to work with asynchronous key value stores

2013-03-22 00:09:19
Kenji Yoshida @xuwei_k

一瞬twitterがScalaでKVS作った? のかと思ったけど、コード量とかREADMEのこの辺り 見る限り「共通のインターフェイスで複数のKVSを扱う」ためのクライアント側のもの?

2013-03-22 00:23:46
Jonas Bonér @jboner

@TwitterOSS Why not base it on the Scala Futures standard? Using the old Twitter Futures makes it a lot harder to use.

2013-03-22 01:29:39
P. Oscar Boykin @posco

@jboner @TwitterOSS We are happy to share our code with a very liberal license, but we use this code in 2.9.2 that means twitter.Future.

2013-03-22 01:38:01
P. Oscar Boykin @posco

@jboner @TwitterOSS When we move to 2.10 internally, I think twitter.Future will implement standard Futures. We'll port then. /cc @marius

2013-03-22 01:39:08
Jonas Bonér @jboner

@posco Why wait? Scala 2.9.3 contains a backport of SIP-18. 2.9.3 is backward compatible with 2.9.2. Just upgrade. /cc @TwitterOSS @marius

2013-03-22 01:54:18
marius eriksen @marius

@jboner @posco @TwitterOSS cool. unfortunately "just upgrade" is not something we can just do... even small changes have bit us badly before

2013-03-22 01:55:17
marius eriksen @marius

@jboner @posco @TwitterOSS (so likely in our case, it's less work to move directly to 2.10)

2013-03-22 01:55:29
P. Oscar Boykin @posco

@jboner @TwitterOSS @marius Had forgotten that! Please make a pull req to twitter-util here: to implement the trait!

2013-03-22 02:00:43