訃報:富沢祥也さん(バイクレーサー、19歳) RIP Shoya Tomizawa

※このまとめは、件数が多いのでとても重いです。 イタリアでレース中に転倒してわずか19歳で亡くなったバイクレーサーの富沢祥也さんの訃報を伝えるtweetと、追悼の言葉のtweetを、拾えた分だけほぼ機械的にまとめました。英語、スペイン語、インドネシア語など多くの言語があります。 http://twitter.com/search?q=Shoya+Tomizawa 続きを読む
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

競技中に転倒事故で亡くなった日本人レーサーのShoya Tomizawaさんの名前が、WorldwideでもUKでもTrendign Topicsの1位になっています。合掌 http://twitpic.com/2lkowk

2010-09-06 02:05:49
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-09-06 02:07:54
Moto Race Feed @MotoRaceFeed

RIP Shoya Tomizawa - Another young talent taken too soon... Thoughts to his family and friends...

2010-09-05 21:38:52
Reuters @Reuters

FLASH; Japan's Shoya Tomizawa dies after Moto2 crash at San Marino Grand Prix - Italian TV

2010-09-05 21:46:29
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Japanese motorcycle racer Shoya Tomizawa dies in Moto2 crash at San Marino grand prix - Reuters

2010-09-05 21:51:34
Sky News Breaking @SkyNewsBreak

Japanese motor cyclist Shoya Tomizawa has died after crashing during a Moto2 race at the San Marino circuit.

2010-09-05 21:54:55
Fiat Yamaha Team @fiatyamahateam

@12AdrianR it was a very bad crash during Moto2 race and he died in Riccione hospital #fiatyamahateam

2010-09-05 22:20:21
BBCF1 @bbcf1

Very sad news from Moto2 as Shoya Tomizawa has passed away after an accident during the race this afternoon. RIP

2010-09-05 23:15:58
ross @rossrossi

RT #motogp fans/followers, please RT as a sign of respect: "Another young soul on his way to heaven. RIP Shoya Tomizawa (1990-2010) #moto2"

2010-09-05 23:22:07
Dan Cross @dank_ross

I'm not a bike man, but a racing fatality regardless of the number of wheels is always terrible. RIP Shoya Tomizawa.

2010-09-06 00:22:34
Dewa Pt. Wiweka N. @wiweka

Goodbye, Peter Lenz & Shoya Tomizawa..

2010-09-06 00:44:05
tiara @tiaraesque

Peter Lenz, Shoya Tomizawa.. Hardly know ya both, but rest in peace ya :'(

2010-09-06 00:53:37
Susy Adella @susyadella

Pembalap jepang yg tewas di circuit.RT @atriatria: Eh shoya tomizawa tuh siapa yaa???Kok pada bilang RIP?!?maklum jarang nonton tv-_______-

2010-09-06 00:55:03


2010-09-06 00:55:08
Andreas Antonsen @antonsen

R.I.P. Shoya Tomizawa! ✝ You were a great man! #MotoGP #Moto2

2010-09-06 00:55:22
jaturahendarto @papaJatu

SHOYA TOMIZAWA meninggal d umur 19 thn.. KATO, ABE, & TOMIZAWA meninggal ketika sedang berada d PUNCAK KARIRnya..

2010-09-06 00:55:24
Resti Puteri Utami @resti_puteri

Shoya tomizawa, pembalap GP kelas 250cc asal jepang ~ @gyskaluthfi

2010-09-06 00:55:24
latebraking @latebraking

Finally, Shoya Tomizawa is trending.. R.I.P

2010-09-06 00:55:24
Fina Pratiwi Gurning @FinaPratiwiG

Kelindes 2 temennya yg lain bkn sh? RT @kristabprima: menunggu berita Shoya Tomizawa!! pengen liat matinya kenapa..

2010-09-06 00:55:30
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