フィギュアスケート 世界国別対抗戦2013 に参加した選手たちのツイなどまとめ #WTT13

4/11-14 世界国別対抗戦@代々木 公式HP http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/figure/wtt/
Maochka @Maochka_bot3


2013-04-04 16:27:44
Maochka @Maochka_bot3


2013-04-04 16:42:56
Maochka @Maochka_bot3

WTTの滑走順はWorld Standingの逆順 だそうですー

2013-04-04 16:55:19
Maochka @Maochka_bot3

男子は レイノルズ、ジュベ、無良、アボット、Dさん、Pチャン かな

2013-04-04 16:58:35
Maochka @Maochka_bot3

2Gは ジジュン、リーザ、ソトニコワ、ワグナー、真央さん、あっこさん になるかな http://t.co/u0FLZYR2OX

2013-04-04 16:59:49
Maochka @Maochka_bot3


2013-04-04 17:01:20
Maochka @Maochka_bot3


2013-04-04 17:03:02
Maochka @Maochka_bot3


2013-04-04 17:04:56
Maochka @Maochka_bot3

参考)去年のWTT EX 開催国招待 宇野昌磨、本田太一、宮原知子、松野真矢子

2013-04-04 17:07:42
Marissa Castelli @MarissaCastelli

So excited to start the craziest and most exciting 2 weeks ever!!!

2013-04-05 21:38:05
Gracie Gold @GraceEGold

This is the last Friday I will ever have to train these programs! I am so excited for World Team Trophy :D #Japan #Tokyo #TeamUSA #GoForGold

2013-04-06 03:55:06
Kaitlyn & Andrew @WeaverPoje

Last weekend at home before leaving for #WTT13 ! So excited!!!!! #GOCANADAGO http://t.co/HYA6vnzFR8

2013-04-07 01:16:05
Marissa Castelli @MarissaCastelli

Good luck to all the teams competing at synchro worlds today!!!

2013-04-07 03:46:39
Meagan Duhamel @mhjd_85

Leaving tomorrow for Japan! Go Team Canada Go! #WTT2013 #Canadaforgold

2013-04-07 20:21:49
Jeremy Abbott @idreamofjeremy

Heading to Japan today! You all as excited as I am?! \(^o^)/

2013-04-07 20:52:55
Jeremy Abbott @idreamofjeremy

Walking around LAX, heading for Tokyo, in my @OnePiece got more looks, questions, & compliments! Told em all to go to http://t.co/9hn2bxIpml

2013-04-08 01:42:58
U.S. Figure Skating @USFigureSkating

Headed to Japan today with #TeamUSA! Looking forward to seeing all of these awesome programs one last time in 2012-13! #WTT13

2013-04-08 03:29:35
Evan Bates @Evan_Bates

Sitting in LAX waiting to connect to Tokyo for World Team Trophy. Let's goooo #TeamUSA http://t.co/bqZtfBNiBB

2013-04-08 03:50:17
Maxim Kovtun @MaximkovtunJR

Камера в метре🎥. #fisheye #metro #subway #moscow #swag @ Где то под землей. http://t.co/k3mGpGPGiC

2013-04-08 04:20:41
1 ・・ 12 次へ