ツイッターパーティ、Husbands S3予告編を契機に

Husbands S3の予告編の解禁 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/23/husbands-third-season-cw-seed_n_3640420.html からの久々のブラッドのツイッターパーティ。 (予告は米国以外からは見られないけれども・・・)
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Miss the trailer for the brand new episodes of Husbands?! You can fix that right now: http://t.co/tnJdgolWlq

2013-07-24 08:16:43
リンク The Huffington Post WATCH: Is A Gay Web Series Headed To The CW? One of the Internet's most beloved gay web series, "Husbands" is about to return for a third season. This time, however, it's making the leap to The CW's new online platform, CW Seed. To celebrate this, The CW has released a new trailer and poster which s
WiNur ❤️ @mxzzygxth

@GoCheeksGo great!!! My phone dont support the plug-in contents!!! ARGH!!!!

2013-07-24 08:18:32
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Won't be long now... August! RT @Kidrow79 Discovered @TeamHusbands today and I've seen them all. MORE!!

2013-07-24 08:24:44
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Cool! Though I'd say, it's the *now. RT @mdlgs Husbands got mentioned at university yesterday as the future of TV distribution & production.

2013-07-24 08:27:15
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@PWDecker @colbymelvin Agreed. I prefer the second installment over the first, but I prefer the latest installment over the second! :D

2013-07-24 08:29:03
lilli … the devil in your dreams. @lillimunstarr

@GoCheeksGo I'm STILL flailing, if it means anything. That trailer seriously made it hard to breathe for a good hour in sheer excitement!

2013-07-24 08:28:26
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@LuluLilien @mdlgs Thank you! Tis an honor to be spoken highly of by academics. Ironic too, considering how many classes I ditched.

2013-07-24 08:31:27
Crystal ➰ @cag168

@GoCheeksGo this season looks amazing. I can't wait to see the character you guys wrote for Seth Green. Amy's is great :)

2013-07-24 08:24:12
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@cgriffin16 Everyone shines! ...hey, that must be why they call them stars. #JustGotThat

2013-07-24 08:34:53
MERCEDES @hatorl

@GoCheeksGo I watched it and I can't wait for #Husbands! Following since the beginning and is amazing :)

2013-07-24 08:23:27
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@hatorl Thank you! I can't wait to unveil them. :)

2013-07-24 08:35:22
x @sxltdreamsdrugs

@GoCheeksGo omg just found your twitter! 😍 I love you!

2013-07-24 08:21:46
rogogon @rogogon

@GoCheeksGo one thing I hate about the trailer - it's WAY too short!! #iwantmoar

2013-07-24 08:21:15
Karleigh Miller @SayHeyGinger

@GoCheeksGo @Kidrow79 @TeamHusbands EEK! I'm so excited! I love Husbands ever since @_Hey_Brittany_ showed them to me.

2013-07-24 08:29:37
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