LinuxCon Japan / Tokyo 2010 2010年 9月27~29日 東京 · 六本木 アカデミーヒルズ
Linux Foundation JP @Linux_Fdtn_JP

組込みLinux関係注目!LinuxCon JapanのCo-Locationイベント『Embedded Developer BoF 2010』が9月28日(火)開催!

2010-09-22 17:56:23
Linux Foundation JP @Linux_Fdtn_JP

LinuxCon Japanの魅力がここに凝縮!@IT『技術、コミュニケーション、イノベーション 〜いま改めて問う、Linuxコミュニティの魅力〜』

2010-09-25 11:27:04
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadajp

#LinuxCon 案内: 電源:各会場一部席とホールにタップ30本程配置、無線:roppongi-hills/11b@全域とLINUXCON/11na@一部の二面%WEP鍵なし、有線:ホールと隣接A会場右奥に30ポート程。

2010-09-26 21:20:36
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

To #LinuxCon Japan attendees: WiFi, wired LAN, and power outlet will be available. Use SSID: "roppongi-hills" or "LINUXCON" with no WEP key.

2010-09-26 23:38:19
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

Wired LAN and outlets are available in selected locations in every room/hall. Look for a map on the wall (I'm now editing...). #linuxcon

2010-09-26 23:41:54
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

However, as many embassies from countries worldwide are at Roppongi, you can find many ethnic restaurants for both lunch/dinner. #linuxcon

2010-09-26 23:47:16
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

So be prepared for a rain if you're going out during #linuxcon Japan at Roppongi. We can hand you a city map (in several lang) upon request.

2010-09-26 23:48:46
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

Associated events during #LinuxCon Japan(1): 9/28 "Kernel-readers' Gathering", "Embedded Linux BOF", "Virtualization/Tracing BOF".

2010-09-26 23:54:34
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadaen

Associated events during #LinuxCon Japan(2): All are held in the same building, so ask staff for more detail.

2010-09-26 23:58:03
Amanda McPherson @amcpherson

Up watching the #sfgiants game from Tokyo and getting ready for #linuxcon Japan.

2010-09-27 05:59:34
Byebye Fowl Site @_dirkhh

Some errors are funny. Greg KH with Intel badge at #LinuxCon Tokyo (and no, we didn't hire him, nor buy Novell)

2010-09-27 08:56:29
海外 浩平|KaiGai Kohei🌻 @kkaigai

#linuxcon の会場なう。基調講演の会場はまだ人の入りはぼちぼち。受講票を忘れるも、顔パスで事なきを得る。

2010-09-27 08:57:06
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadajp

この電波を出しているのは、誰だぁー! #linuxcon

2010-09-27 09:02:42
いささか先生(背高のっぽ) @isasaka

エレベータが1基じゃ集まるのキツイよなぁ〜 #LinuxCon

2010-09-27 09:19:49
Amanda McPherson @amcpherson

Packed house here at #Linuxcon Japan. Jim Zemlin kicking it off with discussion on ubiquitous Linux. Its more than a computer per desk.

2010-09-27 09:22:15
YOSHIFUJI Hideaki @yoshfuji

少し遅れて開始された。証券取引、潜水艦とかsmart grid #lcj2010

2010-09-27 09:25:45
Tatsuo Ishii @tatsuo_ishii

Met with Josh Berkus who are starting the "PostgreSQL" track from 10:30 #linuxcon #PostgreSQL

2010-09-27 09:54:10
YOSHIFUJI Hideaki @yoshfuji

"カーネル部屋"で電源を確保したなぅ #lcj2010

2010-09-27 10:33:52
Taisuke Yamada @tyamadajp

ドタバタは片付けたのでSafety firstのfsなC2に来ている #linuxcon

2010-09-27 10:40:18
Shinichi Tokunaga @deepneko

Ric Wheelerのセッション大人気すぎる。 #linuxcon

2010-09-27 10:40:27
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