
CIAの「ザ・ワールド・ファクトブック」によれば、エジプトに暮らすキリスト教徒の割合は全人口の1割。 CIA - The World Factbook (Middle East :: Syria) https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/eg.html エジプトにおけるキリスト教の最大教会はコプト教会(非カルケドン派)。全人口の約9%を占めているとCIAは分析しています。全人口約1%は、他教会信徒(正教、カトリック、プロテスタント)。 続きを読む
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Boutros Al-Masry @CoptsUnite

The Power of #Christ outperforms any evil Satan and his demons can throw at The Holy #Church in Christ #Jesus which is why we remain #Egypt

2013-09-05 15:15:21
Eriq Labaguis @plainestqySecor

Egypt Church Decision to withdraw from Constituent Assembly is fina

2013-09-05 16:34:18
Sandrine @Sandrine_Jigsaw

I understand @trucker4america. Look at this photo. These are Muslims in #Egypt protecting our Church from #MB http://t.co/8vZN7Zo8zF

2013-09-05 17:49:33
Marwa Farid @MarwaMfarid

A bomb exploded near the convoy of the Interior Minister & a church in Nasr City #Egypt .. Casualty not reported yet!

2013-09-05 17:51:03
Rednekked @Rednekked_

Egypt’s Attack on Christians Caught on Tape: Muslim Mob Storms Coptic Church, Topples Cross... http://t.co/93MHSWWKbY #muslimbrotherhood

2013-09-05 21:26:43
Zabed Caldecott @Casio3qawPrimac

Egypt Church Decision to withdraw from Constituent Assembly is fina

2013-09-05 21:31:33
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