
ニコラス・ペイトンの発言から盛り上がったヒップホップとジャズ、ブラック・アメリカン・ミュージックについての議論をまとめました。 リプライなどを含めニコラスのTLからザッとまとめたので、余計なところもあるかもしれませんが、あしからず。
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Hiphop is dead. Kiss it goodbye, because it's gone.

2013-09-16 06:32:43
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Hiphop was doomed from the moment it became Hiphop. All forms die; only the formless lives forever.

2013-09-16 06:33:39
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Drake can't save Hiphop and Kendrick can't save it. It's gone.

2013-09-16 06:34:23
Ms. T @jacksontalent

@paynic please see #doowop. A form was assigned to it & it was marginalized; even tho it's critical to the subsequent history of #bam.

2013-09-16 06:35:23
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Whenever Niggas come up with some hip shit, all it takes is a White man to come along to see how he can exploit it for profit to kill it.

2013-09-16 06:36:45
Nicholas Payton @paynic

@jacksontalent Difference is we let go of Doowop and invented Soul. We still hanging on to Hiphop 40 years later.

2013-09-16 06:37:57
Nicholas Payton @paynic

But what is Hiphop? What does it mean? Is it new or just the same ol' shit Black folks been doing since the beginning of time?

2013-09-16 06:39:38
Ms. T @jacksontalent

@paynic dig, but even that was more of a gradual shift. Dells are perfect ex. Johnny Funches' smooth leads gave way to Marvin Junior's grit

2013-09-16 06:40:11
Ms. T @jacksontalent

@paynic #Hiphop is a shell of it's former self. A walking, ringtone sounding carcass.

2013-09-16 06:41:08
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Hiphop ain't new. Bird was playing Hiphop in the '40s. Miles Davis' "On The Corner" was one of the first great Hiphop albums.

2013-09-16 06:41:28
Nicholas Payton @paynic

@robertglasper @waltersmithiii Jazz died in 1959. Way before any of us was born! lol

2013-09-16 06:45:25
Nicholas Payton @paynic

James Brown's "Mother Popcorn" is a great Hiphop record.

2013-09-16 06:47:25
Nicholas Payton @paynic

Donald Byrd was Hiphop before Hiphop was Hiphop.

2013-09-16 06:47:47
Robert Glasper @robertglasper

@paynic @waltersmithiii lol!!! What about LOve Supreme?? Or Miles quintet with Herbie and them???

2013-09-16 06:48:15
Nicholas Payton @paynic

So why we keep holding on to Hiphop like it's the last great thing Black folks will ever invent?

2013-09-16 06:48:39
Nicholas Payton @paynic

When White people latch on to something in Black culture has always been the cue to switch gears and regroup.

2013-09-16 06:50:25
Nicholas Payton @paynic

We been stuck on Hiphop for the past 40 years and it's killing Black music.

2013-09-16 06:52:04
Ms. T @jacksontalent

@paynic could it be that what's diff about hip hop is that its the first to have black "figureheads" in "power?"

2013-09-16 06:52:53
Nicholas Payton @paynic

@robertglasper @waltersmithiii Love Supreme ain't Jazz, neither is Miles with Herbie. Both Miles and Coltrane said Jazz means nothing.

2013-09-16 06:53:04
Nicholas Payton @paynic

@robertglasper @waltersmithiii Kind of Blue is recognized as the last great Jazz record and why it's still Number One.

2013-09-16 06:53:56
Ms. T @jacksontalent

@paynic and ergo, they have every interest in keeping #Hiphop around? Because it's lucrative to do so?

2013-09-16 06:53:59
Nicholas Payton @paynic

It used to be we produced great singers, musicians and artists. Now all anybody wants to be is a beatmaker or MC.

2013-09-16 06:55:42
Nicholas Payton @paynic

We are losing our music for the sake of Hiphop. And I say, if Hiphop is getting in the way, let it go.

2013-09-16 06:56:30
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