2013年10月1日 米国政府閉鎖にともない次々と沈黙するNASA関連アカウント

2013年9月、米国議会において医療保険改革法をめぐって議会で意見が対立、暫定予算が成立しないまま期限切れとなり、10月1日より政府機関が閉鎖されました。 これに伴い、NASA関連のTwitterアカウントが定型文と思しきメッセージを最後に次々と沈黙。これはその記録です。 NASAでは約18000人の職員が働いていますが、政府閉鎖期間中、国際宇宙ステーションの運用などクリティカルなセクションを携わる職員など600人を除いて、ほぼ全員が自宅待機を命じられています。
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NASA's Kennedy Space Center @NASAKennedy

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:20:39
NASA Know Your Earth @NASA_KYE

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/TaQDECy7Qy

2013-10-01 20:22:56
NASA Know Your Earth @NASA_KYE

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:23:35

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/1GGprtSflA

2013-10-01 20:24:53

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:25:24

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/f0MhmIgS5R

2013-10-01 20:25:05
NASA Commercial Crew @Commercial_Crew

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the Government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/L3kd6yKr1v

2013-10-01 20:26:02
NASA Commercial Crew @Commercial_Crew

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:27:38

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/VymtdFbU4H

2013-10-01 20:26:21

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:26:52
Cassini @CassiniSaturn

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/2NM3UBLCOU

2013-10-01 20:42:33
Cassini @CassiniSaturn

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:42:46


NASA Television @NASA_TV

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/c8k0IMIPrT

2013-10-01 20:42:39
NASA Television @NASA_TV

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:43:29

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/DSTf6ULUdl

2013-10-01 20:58:56

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 20:59:16
NASA Earth @NASAEarth

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 21:03:04
NASA Earth @NASAEarth

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/HHwO6LIjAj

2013-10-01 21:03:04
Teaching From Space @TeachFromSpace

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/pifmNS2DgP

2013-10-01 21:03:20
Teaching From Space @TeachFromSpace

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 21:03:44


NASA's Glenn Research Center @NASAglenn

Sorry, but we won't be tweeting/responding to replies during the government shutdown. Be back as soon as possible! http://t.co/abBBioszkj

2013-10-01 21:07:59
NASA's Glenn Research Center @NASAglenn

Due to the gov't shutdown, all public NASA activities/events are cancelled or postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2013-10-01 21:09:02


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