IAWTV Awardsノミネート

IAWTV Awardsで今年もハズバンズが沢山のノミネートを! と言うか10も!
IAWTV Awards Archive @IAWTVArchives

Congratulations to the Nominees for Best Returning Series: @L7sville, @hipsterhoodshow, @WIGS' Lauren, @TeamHusbands, Fallout Nuka Break

2013-12-14 07:31:11
The IAWTV Awards @iawtvAwards

Congratulations to the Nominees for Best Returning Series: @L7sville, @hipsterhoodshow, @WIGS' Lauren, @TeamHusbands, Fallout Nuka Break

2013-12-14 07:32:29
The CW App @cwseed

This week @GoCheeksGo and @JaneEspenson got a pile of award nods for #Husbands. See why there'll be plenty more here: http://t.co/bD6RGWZLel

2013-12-14 08:51:17
Alessandra Torresani @ALtorresani

Congrats @blue439 on your nomination...don't get too crazy in Vegas without me this year! X

2013-12-14 15:06:42
Jeff Greenstein @blue439

@BambolaBambina Thanks, but I ain’t goin’ without you on my arm!

2013-12-14 15:12:12
Alessandra Torresani @ALtorresani

@blue439: @BambolaBambina Thanks, but I ain’t goin’ without you on my arm!” ;)

2013-12-14 15:39:09
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@AmyAcker thank you!! You're one of our nominees for Best Female Comedy Performance! Congrats to you!

2013-12-15 02:21:17
Eli Gonda @EBG1

@AmyAcker Thank you!!! And congratulations to you, too!

2013-12-15 03:40:02
Amy Acker @AmyAcker

@JaneEspenson: @AmyAcker thank you!! You're one of our nominees for Best Female Comedy Performance! Congrats to you!” So exciting! Thanks

2013-12-15 06:17:35