正しくTogetter / min.tにログインできない不具合が発生中です。X側の修正をお待ちください(詳細はこちら)


Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Knives wouldn't take my bet but when I said I liked Fanatiq not getting more than 10 he bet it right away. That #NOCONFIDENCEINHOMIES.

2013-12-15 15:12:31
マット 伊達 玄四郎 Matt_D @forgenjuro

M:ネモが今下段中断下段中断下段中断やってファナティックは3回とも全部食らった。 M:ナイブズは俺がネモの賭けに乗らなかったけどファナティックが10勝までも行かないと言ったら食いついてきた。この#友人に信頼なし #ファナティックMMでマーンが言ったこと

2013-12-16 00:05:17
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Fanatiq saying Nemo playing weird and he can't figure him out. #ShitPeopleSaidAtEVOAndStillGotBodied4monthsLater.

2013-12-15 15:14:42
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Fanatiq telling himself Nemo always pressing a button ... #ButStillDoesntChangeTheWayHePlays ...

2013-12-15 15:15:49
マット 伊達 玄四郎 Matt_D @forgenjuro

M:ネモのプレイは変で対応できないとファナティックが言ってる#こういうことEVOで言ってたのに4ヶ月後ボコボコにされる M:ファナティックはネモは常にボタン擦ってると自分に言い聞かせてる#けど自分のプレイをまったく変えない #ファナティックMMでマーンが言ったこと

2013-12-16 00:09:39
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Nemo raw tagged twice and still killed Fanatiq... Uh. I think a fuckaroundforacouplegamescauseNemoisbored is in session.

2013-12-15 15:18:13
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Fanatiq still complaining that hes respecting Nemo too much after 15 games. #ShouldHaveStoppedACoupleGamesAgoWhenYouWereLosingDUMBFUCK

2013-12-15 15:20:36
マット 伊達 玄四郎 Matt_D @forgenjuro

M:ネモが生交代2回やってもファナティックを倒した。ん。退屈だから数ゲーム遊ぼうかな~が始まったかな M:ファナティックがネモのプレイをまだリスペクトしすぎてると15戦目に愚痴る#それなら負けてる数ゲーム前にやらないと駄目だろアホンダラ #ファナティックMMでマーンが言ったこと

2013-12-16 00:17:52
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

It was really quiet but at this point everyone just started talking. It's over. Probably should get that PayPal ready.

2013-12-15 15:26:03
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Neo wants to play Nemo next. He's been saying he could beat him since EVO. #DoubtIt

2013-12-15 15:30:42
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

The set ain't even over yet and Nemo talking about not being able to make EVO and casual talk. 19-5

2013-12-15 15:32:17
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

I suggested we move to the BrokenTier room. No one said anything. I'm sure well move.

2013-12-15 15:33:36
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Fanatiq saying he got raped and outplayed in a long set after studying and practicing.

2013-12-15 15:34:59
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

In the wise words of Sanford/Dieminion: "That wasn't an exhibition THAT WAS AN EXECUTION!!"

2013-12-15 15:40:00
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

You have to have a certain style to best Nemo... Be a nut.

2013-12-15 16:02:32
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Maybe when these scrubs are done losing to Nemo, I'll be able to play him since he actually wants to MM me.. Oh people...

2013-12-15 16:04:00
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

Nemo got paid $2500 to sit in training mode for an hour. Can we all agree that he's eSports now?

2013-12-15 16:07:36
Martin Phan @MarnORZ

FT7 for $100 Nemo. BROKENTIER stream

2013-12-15 16:38:12