ティアニー先生 in 茅ヶ崎 2010年10月27日

家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<Diagnosis> Diffuse large B cell lymphoma Stage IV-A

2010-10-27 08:27:30
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<<< Symptoms High Ca >>> ==> 1. constipation, 2 Polyuria 3. Mental status change <most cause is Malignancy>

2010-10-27 08:29:03
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<case conferrence> 53 yo M with altered mental status

2010-10-27 14:05:33
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

2weeks before admission, he got low grade fever37c. 1DBA, his fever up to 39c. day of admission, he was brought to ER

2010-10-27 14:11:15
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<can't understand news paper= high function disorder>> this is more likely Encephalitis than meningitis.

2010-10-27 14:13:53
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

In summer, the older people tend to got "hyperthermia (high temperature)", this is different from Fever.

2010-10-27 14:15:43
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<Normal body temperature change > highest on evening, lowest on morning

2010-10-27 14:22:33
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<PMH> DM (Type2), Cerebral bleeding <Meds> Multi-vitamin, Glibenclamide (SH) Tabbaco 20p/y , occational drinker, Allergy: cimetidine,

2010-10-27 14:24:50
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Diabetes mellitus => could be cause of AMS (but usually no fever)

2010-10-27 14:28:03
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Cerebral bleeding at 53yo is rare (Maybe we need to consider HTN, Trauma, AVM, Amiroidangiopathy)

2010-10-27 14:29:44
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Question time ==> Onset is acute, (-) headache, motor/sensory disfunction

2010-10-27 14:36:33
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<Question> No sick contact, No Travel abroad, No heart disease

2010-10-27 14:43:23
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

No character change, He is sexually active only to his wife.

2010-10-27 14:45:36
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

<From Dr. Aoki> If someone coming back from abroad, and got high fever, you need to consider "ウエストナイル熱" http://ow.ly/3022e

2010-10-27 14:47:00
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

GCS E4V4M6, only oriented to name. HEENT: normal, Neck: supple, Heart and Lung: normal, Abdomen: normal, Extremeties: normal

2010-10-27 14:49:42
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Google search "Fever, disorientation, Alexia" ===> Herpes encephalitis, Pick disease....

2010-10-27 14:50:50
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Pulse rate is very low ==> Typhoid fever, Yellow fever, Atypical Pneumonia, some type of tumor.

2010-10-27 14:52:14
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

青木先生 => 9度で110番と覚える (39度なら脈は110くらいあるはず) その他、レジオネラ、リケッチアも

2010-10-27 14:53:19
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Cranial nerves:intact, No barre sign, Motor: normal, Sensory: only reduced vibration, DTR & Babinski: normal,

2010-10-27 14:54:20
家庭医療WS@東京5月8、9日 @kateiiryouWS

Coordination: smooth (Finger to nose: terminal tremor) Gait: stable (leaning forward)

2010-10-27 14:56:16