ploneconf 2010 day2 and later

tweets with #ploneconf2010 hashtag, 2nd day and later
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Tom Lazar ( @tomlazar

Phew! Done with my talk. Now #ploneconf2010 really begins for me: weird to sit in a talk NOT working on my slides :-)

2010-10-28 20:17:40
Denys Mishunov 🇺🇦🇳🇴 @mishunov

Laurence is spoiling my lightening talk in his Diazo talk by showing the project I was going to talk about :-P #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 20:23:11

#ploneconf2010 Theming with XDV, good talk, but more 'entry level' than expected :) Good for me tho ;) #notsogoodwiththeming

2010-10-28 20:32:43
Denys Mishunov 🇺🇦🇳🇴 @mishunov

Laurence at #ploneconf2010: "Dizao (xdv) is 4-5 times faster than Deliverance".

2010-10-28 20:33:50
Matthew Wilkes @matthewwilkes

Learning a lot from Lawrence Rowe talking on Diazo, plenty of options I didn't know about before #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 20:35:16
dimboo @dimboo

XDV > Diazo, collective.xdv > #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 20:36:49
David Glick @davisagli

Diazo (formerly xdv) really looks like a viable approach to theming now. very exciting. #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 20:37:04
Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) @aclark4life

Diazo is the new name for XDV? Hmmmm………… #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 20:51:00
M van Teulingen @mirelvt

interessante presentaties gehad vandaag #ploneconf2010. weer genoeg stof om uit te testen/proberen

2010-10-28 21:51:08
Maurizio Delmonte @miziodel

tnx! wait for video RT @eleddy: maybe useless out of context but here are the slides from the talk #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 21:56:53
Maurizio Delmonte @miziodel

appreciated if you publish your "storyboard" too :) RT @calvinhp: slides are up for selling plone #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 22:01:34
🦘 @MacYET

Steve McMahon ist my favorite speaker at #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 22:07:37
dimboo @dimboo

Already have a lot of stuff to keep me busy for the next months: Diazo, Plomino, collective.amberjack, ... #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 22:08:07
Érico Andrei @ericof

My slides for "From Copy to Paster" are available at #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 22:11:10
That Mitch @mitchellrj

@ploneconf2010: Steve McMahon: KSS may be completely eliminated by Plone 4.1 \o/ #ploneconf2010

2010-10-28 22:13:01
Érico Andrei @ericof

Slides for " Building a digital nation with Plone" are available now at #ploneconf2010 #brasil

2010-10-28 22:13:04

#ploneconf2010 Listening to Mikko Ohtamaa about "World outside Plone", see what Plone can learn from other systems.

2010-10-28 22:13:43
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