ORCID Outreach Meeting Chicago May 21-22, 2014

Crossref | @crossref@mastodon.online @CrossrefOrg

@epentz is moderating the ORCID identifiers in access management session @ the ORCID Outreach Mtg tomorrow. ow.ly/x3pdR #orcid12

2014-05-20 23:25:02
Rebecca Bryant, PhD @RebeccaBryant18

ORCID Outreach Meeting is tomorrow! Follow the discussion at #orcid12

2014-05-21 00:48:43
ORCID Organization @ORCID_Org

ORCID Outreach Meeting is tomorrow! Follow the discussion at #orcid12

2014-05-21 00:48:43
Meghan McDevitt @mcdevimm

@ORCID_Org Looking forward to attending the ORCID Outreach Meeting tomorrow #orcid12! Lots to learn.

2014-05-21 02:00:00
Sarah @SJLeeman

Looking forward to the @ORCID_Org outreach meeting in Chicago- tomorrow & Thursday! #orcid12

2014-05-21 05:51:11
Jeremy Friesen | Black Lives Matter | he/him @jeremyfriesen

Appreciating the arrival of a thunderstorm as I take a break from working on 0.8.1 version of Orcid integration gem for #orcid12.

2014-05-21 10:40:59
Sarah @SJLeeman

Any meeting that offers yogurt and oatmeal with seven different toppings is ok in my book. #orcid12

2014-05-21 22:21:49
Scholastica @scholasticahq

We're excited to be at today's @ORCID_Org outreach meeting! #ORCID12

2014-05-21 22:34:01
Stephanie Dawson @SDawsonBerlin

@ORCID_Org Wishing a productive ORCID Outreach Mtg #orcid12! Check out @Science_Open / ORCID registration process at scienceopen.com

2014-05-21 22:45:48
Crossref | @crossref@mastodon.online @CrossrefOrg

@epentz is moderating the ORCID identifiers in access management session @ #orcid12 today. ow.ly/x3qyJ

2014-05-21 23:02:21
Keita Bando @keitabando

Set up my poster "Mendeley to ORCID". #ORCID12 #ORCID Mendeley @ UIC Student Center West instagram.com/p/oQvdicGhDZ/

2014-05-21 23:05:23
ruth lewis @rulew

hope to catch much #orcid12 webcat; glad there will be an archive at orcid.org/about/events/C…

2014-05-21 23:08:57
Gail ((Clement)) @Repositorian

@ORCID_Org Spring 2014 Outreach conference brings together intl community to understand how ORCID impacts scholarly communication. #orcid12

2014-05-21 23:17:08
Gail ((Clement)) @Repositorian

J. Greenberg, Sloan: ORCIDs central to integrity of the scholarly record, partic. as we push forward with new forms of scholarship #orcid12

2014-05-21 23:19:52
Kim @kimberwimber

I'm attending the @ORCID_Org Outreach meeting today at UIC. Looking fwd to learning a lot abt integration! #orcid12

2014-05-21 23:20:17
Keita Bando @keitabando

Welcome and opening remarks started. #orcid12 Joshua Greenberg, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation @ UIC… instagram.com/p/oQxNNimhGR/

2014-05-21 23:20:37
reactome @reactome

@robinhaw is attending @ORCID_Org Codefest/Outreach meeting and will be talking about ORCID iD integration, #orcid12

2014-05-21 23:21:02
Daniel S. Katz (🐘 @danielskatz@fosstodon.org) @danielskatz

At ORCID outreach meeting, supposed to use #orcid12 though not sure why. #orcid14 seems better

2014-05-21 23:21:41
ORCID Organization @ORCID_Org

ORCID partners with other standards orbs like CASRAI, CERIF ISNI, Ringgold and more #orcid12

2014-05-21 23:33:58
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