天安門事件記録 その1 by @prchovanec

Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 24, 1989 - Deng Xiaoping: "The more the Poles gave in, the greater their turmoil became...and there is Solidarity."

2014-04-24 20:47:57
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 25, 1989 - Copies of Deng's speech condemning protests are read over campus radio, further agitating students. pic.twitter.com/64cs8ChMpS

2014-04-25 20:50:07
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 25, 1989 - New York Times: "China Bans Pro-Student Newspaper" nytimes.com/1989/04/25/wor… based in Shanghai

2014-04-28 23:32:28
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 26, 1989 - People's Daily publishes Deng Xiaoping's speech condemning student protests as front-page editorial pic.twitter.com/n4rouba4WN

2014-04-26 19:41:08
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 26, 1989 - Student leaders demand govt open dialogue or they will stage new march on Tiananmen the next day. pic.twitter.com/HtmMNGmBoU

2014-04-26 19:43:17
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 26, 1989 - State broadcasters warn next day's planned march is illegal (inadvertently publicizing it). pic.twitter.com/t3ysdMTd2s

2014-04-26 19:46:14
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 26, 1989 - Deng Xiaoping: "We are not afraid to shed a little blood...since this will not seriously harm China’s image in the world."

2014-04-26 19:47:34
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - 150,000 students from 40 Beijing universities spill onto streets to protest People's Daily editorial pic.twitter.com/oAqD7KxMGC

2014-04-27 19:55:51
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Student protestors carry banners identifying their academic depts. or slogans like "Willing to Die!" pic.twitter.com/sh7vZWFK5h

2014-04-27 19:59:14
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Largest student protest yet fills the streets as it marches to Tiananmen Square pic.twitter.com/rBeyvKHBiK

2014-04-27 20:02:08
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Students form human chain along route to protect protestors marching on Tiananmen Square pic.twitter.com/GLGMgC2tXX

2014-04-27 20:07:05
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Police are deployed to prevent protest march (declared illegal) from reaching Tiananmen Square pic.twitter.com/xIzL6woETp

2014-04-27 20:10:00
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Student leaders argue with police blocking march at Xidan & Chang'an intersection to let them pass pic.twitter.com/xgwVobn9qo

2014-04-27 20:14:01
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

Good article by Chris Buckley @ChuBailiang on the April 26 editorial and subsequent protest march sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/peo…

2014-04-27 20:18:34
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Wall of police blocks way for crowds of student protestors marching on Tiananmen Square pic.twitter.com/8iDflZXatj

2014-04-27 20:20:30
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Protestors surge past police wall by sheer force of numbers, and continue march to Tiananmen Square pic.twitter.com/yIxZfWLYlm

2014-04-27 20:24:01
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - 500 troops from 38th Group Army are deployed outside Great Hall of the People pic.twitter.com/3j6dQsD7QA

2014-04-27 20:29:37
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 27, 1989 - Student protestors fill Tiananmen Square, which police had tried to prevent them from reaching pic.twitter.com/aAVh0KqK5P

2014-04-27 20:32:19
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Chinese govt agrees to hold dialogue with students; WSJ: "Chinese Students Win Concession After a Massive March in Beijing"

2014-04-28 23:03:21
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - New York Times: "Democracy? In China, Write Morality" by @WuDunn nytimes.com/1989/04/28/wor…

2014-04-28 23:04:59
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Chinese student tells @WuDunn: "I don't know exactly what democracy is. But we need more of it.'' nytimes.com/1989/04/28/wor…

2014-04-28 23:06:28
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Student: "Many officials in our society are corrupt...we are pursuing the separation of powers." nytimes.com/1989/04/28/wor…

2014-04-28 23:07:35
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Chinese student tells @WuDunn: "Our [form of democracy] must be different from the United States" nytimes.com/1989/04/28/wor…

2014-04-28 23:08:33
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Chinese student: "Democracy means that all citizens have the right and the duty to participate in government policy making"

2014-04-28 23:09:31
Patrick Chovanec @prchovanec

April 28, 1989 - Student: "So many students are struggling with the idea of what it means to have democratic rights." nytimes.com/1989/04/28/wor…

2014-04-28 23:10:44