Web Directions East 2010 Tweet Lines Until Nov 13th 2010 #wdx #wdeast

前へ 1 ・・ 14 15
zαzιє / мєgυмι м🗼 @Zazie

MacではFirefox最新版とOperaだけど入ってなくて表示確認できず(´・ω・`)Firefox開いたの超ひさびさで今ダウンロードしてるし…。 #wdx

2010-11-13 17:28:14
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

language="text/javascript" を省略できるのは、Javascriptファイルに限る。jsファイル以外はこれまで通り指定が必要となる。 #wdx

2010-11-13 17:29:38
Miyashita Yousuke @dotsandstripes

PhoneGapはどのスマートフォンでも動くよう実装するという思想でつくられている #wdx

2010-11-13 17:33:56
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

最後に、バースデーソングを皆で歌って終了でございます。 #wdx

2010-11-13 17:35:50
zαzιє / мєgυмι м🗼 @Zazie

終了〜。おつかれさまでした! #wdx

2010-11-13 17:37:40
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

The workshop of Bruce Lawson was over. Finally everyone sang birthday song for him. He was glad to listen that. #wdx

2010-11-13 17:38:02
Miyashita Yousuke @dotsandstripes

おわり!ありごとうございました。 #wdx

2010-11-13 17:39:45
Sandi Wassmer @SandiWassmer

@brucel I stand corrected - Hope all is going well at Web Directions East #wdx #wdeast

2010-11-13 17:45:49
Henry @Aotearoanz

Opera Dev. Network - Event -Web Directions East -Tokyo Japan November 13-16 2010 http://east.webdirections.org/2010/ 0> http://bit.ly/w1WIR

2010-11-13 17:45:56
視覚障害ボット @shikaku_shogai

RT @Zazie: 字幕をつけることによりスクリーンリーダーが読めるし、スタイルうることもできるし、検索エンジンが読むことも出来る。 #wdx

2010-11-13 18:00:08
にゃっと(冬眠中) @nyatto

HTML5のワークショップ終了☆ 明日はjQueryのワークショップ! #wdx

2010-11-13 18:13:16
Web Directions @webdirections

RT @naoyoshi_suzuki: The workshop of Bruce Lawson was over. Finally everyone sang birthday song for him. He was glad to listen that. #wdx

2010-11-13 18:29:22

RT @naoyoshi_suzuki: The workshop of Bruce Lawson was over. Finally everyone sang birthday song for him. He was glad to listen that. #wdx

2010-11-13 19:09:14
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

@SandiWassmer Yes I was. Contents was excellent. I wanted to learn many things from Bruce Lawson, though, time was limited... #wdx

2010-11-13 19:34:52
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

I've wondered why value formatting doesn't exist as a attribute of <input> in current html version. #wdx

2010-11-13 20:03:53
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

Today I requested value formatting to be adopted officially as html5 or css3 specs via Opera Software(@brucel,@ourmaninjapan). #wdx

2010-11-13 20:10:44
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

Currently if we want that value formatting comes true, we have to use javascript. It's troublesome. #wdx

2010-11-13 20:15:56
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

I've developed html-based intra application such as sales assistant. I've sometimes asked whether number formatting is possible. #wdx

2010-11-13 20:20:46
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

Especially the sales person says that if the digits become many, they must pay attentions. they can't mistake to input number. #wdx

2010-11-13 20:31:14
Naoyoshi Suzuki/鈴木 尚栄 @naoyoshi_suzuki

I strongly wish value formatting to be adopted as the specs of html5 or css3. If so, developers and general users might be glad. #wdx

2010-11-13 20:41:30
前へ 1 ・・ 14 15