#socketio Socket.IO Meetup 2014

2014/7/4 DeNAセミナールーム http://connpass.com/event/6911/ Socket.ioの生みの親であるGuillermo Rauch氏がkey noteスピーチ!
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Jxck @Jxck_

みんなが言いたかったこと、しれっと代わりに言っておいたよw #socketio

2014-07-03 19:36:02
Yosuke Furukawa @yosuke_furukawa

#socketio rauchg is speaking about socket.io past present future! Exciting. pic.twitter.com/0iXUN5eyI8

2014-07-03 19:38:10
だーすー𝕏(Hiroshi Suda) @suda_hiroshi

「プログレスバーを作るのが面倒だからsocket.ioを作った」 #socketio

2014-07-03 19:41:40
Yosuke Furukawa @yosuke_furukawa

he wanted to show progress bar using node.js #socketio

2014-07-03 19:42:45
Kuu MIYAZAKI @miyazaqui

Guillermo says Improve something that sucks Look at the state of the art Write down your plan Create something Ignore trolls #socketio

2014-07-03 19:43:02
Yosuke Furukawa @yosuke_furukawa

other people frustrated with progress bars, so they were working on web socket. lol. #socketio

2014-07-03 19:44:34
ぷーじ @YuG_1224

スライドカッコイイなぁ #socketio

2014-07-03 19:45:35
Jxck @Jxck_

socket.io is event emitter for www #socketio

2014-07-03 19:49:10
Yosuke Furukawa @yosuke_furukawa

☆-(ノ゚Д゚)八(゚Д゚ )ノ yeah! i created socket.io-go-emitter. #socketio

2014-07-03 19:50:30
前へ 1 2 ・・ 7 次へ