
2014年7月14日現在、イスラエルによるガザ空爆が止まらない中紹介されたこの題の写真なんですが、率直に言って内容よりも取り上げられている方々の言葉の信憑性に問題があると思うんですよね。 簡単に判ることはやらない方がいいのは、世界共通かと。
Kat @_kebarrett

Let me point out that Einstein never said that quote and Malcom X quote is also wrong.@History_Pics: Palestine pic.twitter.com/LSksxhbmke

2014-07-14 07:47:09
T.U.Yang @tadatsome3

リプが荒れてるが、率直な感想として、イスラエル独立前に亡くなったガンディー六日戦争前に亡くなったアインシュタインやマルコムXが本当にこの言葉を残したのか疑問。RT "@History_Pics: Palestine pic.twitter.com/huj9sQ3s9F"

2014-07-14 07:50:49





Espen Skorstad @EspenSkorstad

@History_Pics Important quotes, from great thinkers. Whether 'correct' or not: representative. Currently: 1014 retweets; 65 unfollow.

2014-07-14 07:54:21
lake county democrat @lakecountydem

@History_Pics Just wow - the Einstein quote is an anti-Semitic fake, Mandela was a two-state solution-er, Malcolm X quote pre-leaving NoI.

2014-07-14 08:02:42
sai4 @Sai4Rahman

@History_Pics: Palestine pic.twitter.com/4K0Wx3XSUJI'm surprised they didn't include Martin Luther King Aswell LOOOL

2014-07-14 08:47:08
Dr. Blankenstein @Dr_Blankenstein

@History_Pics you do realize that Albert Einstein's entire life's work was left to Israel? I'm shocked and disappointed u tweeted that junk

2014-07-14 08:48:12
SauerCrowd @SauerCrowd

@History_Pics: Palestine pic.twitter.com/rto1rWQanv” Who you gonna believe, all these dead dudes, or @HonJohnBaird?

2014-07-14 08:57:45
Jeff @JeffBlois

@History_Pics um.. Propaganda fail. Reprinting false quotes. #unfollow

2014-07-14 09:13:42
Muhammad Sohail @ms9580

@Shahidmasooddr Some quotes of leaders about Palestine ... Don't know if they r factually correct ... @History_Pics pic.twitter.com/j1qDhTmFQT

2014-07-14 09:21:55
Megan Parmerter @Firemaiden53

@History_Pics Unfollowing for falsely attributing quotes to historic figures. Seriously, people?

2014-07-14 09:43:19
Jake R. @jaker1419

.@History_Pics There's no record Einstein said this. Please change your handle to fiction_pics.

2014-07-14 10:40:53
K =^..^= @Elfsprincess

@History_Pics Come on! Stick to real history. I support Israel.

2014-07-14 11:54:07

@bengalidude @sunlorrie @History_Pics I give you legal history & u put up questionable quotes. Pretty lame, Jewhater.

2014-07-14 14:31:29