#SemTechBiz 2014 のまとめ / Compiled list of tweets on #SemTechBiz 2014

Semantic Technology & Business Conference 2014 のツイートまとめです. 日時:2014/8/19-21 場所:San Jose, California, US 主催:DATAVERSITY,SemanticWeb.com 続きを読む
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Bart van Leeuwen @semanticfire

everything packed for my trip to #semtechbiz where I will talk about the #inowit project of the Dutch Fire Department #brandweer #linkeddata

2014-08-18 03:21:30
Al Baker @AlBaker_Dev

Going to #SemTechBiz ? Stop by Tuesday afternoon, @bsletten and I giving a workshop on all things #groovylang and #Clojure using #Stardog

2014-08-18 14:41:14
Kerstin Forsberg @kerfors

This week I'll follow #SemTechBiz Semantic Technology & Business Conference 2014 semtechbizsj2014.semanticweb.com

2014-08-18 14:52:04
Profium @Profium

Meet with Profium at #SemTechBiz 2014! August 18-21, San Jose California conta.cc/1tecv93

2014-08-18 17:00:37
TopQuadrant @TopQuadrant

Join @ralphtq as he introduces TopBraid RDM, a #referencedata manager, at #SemTechBiz on 8/19 12-12:30pm ow.ly/An0o2

2014-08-18 22:01:42
Marty Loughlin @mloughlin

Stop by @CamSemantics booth at #SemTechBiz #nosqlnow in San Jose this week to learn how semantic tools like Anzo are…lnkd.in/dCet-pk

2014-08-18 22:49:52
Al Baker @AlBaker_Dev

Coming to #SemTechBiz this week? @mikegrovesoft and I will be speaking, come by and say hi!

2014-08-18 22:57:17
TopQuadrant @TopQuadrant

Will you be at #SemTechBiz ? Co-founder @ralphtq is talking about #semanticdata virtualization on 8/19 5-6pm ow.ly/An08Q

2014-08-19 00:01:39
TopQuadrant @TopQuadrant

TopQuadrant's @bobdc is presenting at #SemTechBiz - "Semantic Web Standards & Variety 'V' #BigData" 8/20 10:15-11am ow.ly/AmT8X

2014-08-19 02:01:34
Design for Context @design4context

DfC’s @ddegler has a chapter in Reframing IA, edited by @resmini! We’re excited to give a copy away at our #semtechbiz booth August 20-21.

2014-08-19 02:34:13
LMI @LMI_org

Make sure you meet up with @TonyAgresta2 of @ontotext. He'll be sharing information about OpenPolicy at #SemTechBiz.

2014-08-19 03:55:05
Ontotext @ontotext

We are sponsoring and attending #semtechbiz this week. @TonyAgresta2 if you would like to meet

2014-08-19 04:15:12
John O'Donovan @jodbod

Pretty comprehensive overview of sentiment analysis techniques... sentiment.christopherpotts.net #BigData #semtechbiz #semweb

2014-08-19 04:50:22
Stéphane Corlosquet @scorlosquet

Can't wait to finally meet @manusporny this week at #semtechbiz and see what he has to say about online commerce and identity

2014-08-19 05:34:17
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

at DEN and heading soon to SJC. I'll be this week in San Jose for #semtechbiz

2014-08-19 05:52:45
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

I'll be talking at #semtechbiz about how we can write better constitutions using #SemanticWeb on Thurs 3pm

2014-08-19 05:54:02
Juan Sequeda @juansequeda

If you are at #semtechbiz and want to learn how to semantically enrich your database, come talk to us!

2014-08-19 05:54:41
Carl Burnett @_charolastra_

Concerned I may be denied boarding to San Jose without the requisite blazer-over-T-shirt tech-entrepreneur uniform. #semtechbiz

2014-08-19 06:31:41
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