ジェイミー・カラム Jamie Cullum Q&A #JamieCullumInterlude

ジェイミー・カラムのアルバム「Interlude」発売を記念して、2014年10月8日にtwitter上でライブ・チャットを行いファンの質問に答えてくれました。ジェイミーの回答をまとめました。 Jamie Cullum answered fans' questions on twitter at Oct 8th 2014.
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

It's just started to rain, but I'm ready for the Twitter chat, so tweet me questions now using #JamieCullumInterlude pic.twitter.com/XXFppqqNVA

2014-10-08 22:23:47
Princess Irem @Lolavie_Melody

@jamiecullum Will you be having a concert in Stockholm sometime? ^_^ #JamieCullumInterlude

2014-10-08 22:32:20
Princess Irem @Lolavie_Melody

@jamiecullum Omg I had no idea! This is great news!! I'll be there ^^

2014-10-08 22:39:22
Sharon Hanley @sharonlhanley

Who did you meet at the recording of BBC Music's God Only Knows? Any pics? #GodOnlyKnows #JamieCullumInterlude

2014-10-08 22:32:05
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@sharonlhanley Stevie Wonder and @samsmithworld were there on the same day - check my instagram feed for pics. An amazing day!

2014-10-08 22:35:03
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@Zipperdidoodah Track 1!!!!!! Then track 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & finally, gloriously 12 ;-)

2014-10-08 22:36:03
Kramer-remarK @PaulHitsheet

@jamiecullum which of the following is your favourite anagram of Interlude - Idle Tuner; Riled Tune or Nude Tiler; #jamieculluminterlude

2014-10-08 22:31:52
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@Paulhitsheet Undoubtedly Nude Tiler. Which is incidentally something in my life I have done.

2014-10-08 22:36:41
Kramer-remarK @PaulHitsheet

@jamiecullum ha ha. Indoor or outdoor? Did it lead to dancing? It's all coming out now. Btw the new album is fantastic esp the Ltd edition x

2014-10-08 22:42:40
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

Who's up for a twitter chat today? I'll be online at 3:30pm GMT answering your questions. Send them using #JamieCullumInterlude

2014-10-08 21:47:53
Van @Van_Santos

@jamiecullum Wich song is your favourite in the new album? Hugs from Sao Paulo, Brazil! xx #JamieCullumInterlude

2014-10-08 22:31:51
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@Van_Santos Out of this world. Recorded and made in the spirit of Alice and John Coltrane - my fave recording memory of all time.

2014-10-08 22:37:37
Van @Van_Santos

Now I can die in peace... ;) Dear @jamiecullum, I'll never forget it!!! Thank you so much!!! <3… instagram.com/p/t5NPteRymV/

2014-10-08 22:52:13
JazzieVibes @jazzie_vibes

@jamiecullum I grew up hearing my dad play boogiewoogie, jazz & classical. What inspired you to play the piano #jamieculluminterlude

2014-10-08 22:31:42
JazzieVibes @jazzie_vibes

@jamiecullum agree that @benfolds is inspiring & @harryconnickJR too as walked down the aisle to him! will now look out for Mr B Cullum

2014-10-08 23:27:49
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@cvtberlin I'm here right now! What a cool city.

2014-10-08 22:38:55
Elisabeth Schubert @cvtberlin

@jamiecullum Ahhh, I didn't know... so your gig is tonight? Welcome to my indeed cool hometown!

2014-10-08 22:45:06
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

. @rubbono Looking into that possibility. I hope so.

2014-10-08 22:39:25
Mar @stateless79

#JamieCullumInterlude @jamiecullum how can you find inspiration and time to record so many albums in a few time and being on tour also?

2014-10-08 22:30:42
Jamie Cullum @jamiecullum

.@stateless79 Inspiration easy. Time not. But this album was intentionally recorded quickly so it would retain a real sense of spontaneity.

2014-10-08 22:40:20
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