Cより速いCommon Lisp

メモ的に。Common Lispはナンデモあり。
Kazuho Oku @kazuho

つーか、make したら test が動いてテスト用の .o ができてるじゃん。すみませんすみません

2014-10-31 05:59:29
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

.@kazuho pointed out the benchmark was using a wrong object file. It's 3.7 times faster than fast-http. Amazing.

2014-10-31 06:04:21
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

Perhaps I need to rewrite http-parse-headers aggressively to make it even faster. I'm not sure it will be 4 times faster, though.

2014-10-31 06:44:44
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

Before that, I'm going to sleep. G'night all.

2014-10-31 06:46:08
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

Okay. I wrote a stateless one from scratch. It's 3 times faster than fast-http, but still I couldn't beat PicoHTTPParser.

2014-11-01 19:23:00
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

PicoHTTPParser is highly optimized, small and quite readable. I admit C is pretty fast. I'm very impressed.

2014-11-01 19:24:16
fukamachi @nitro_idiot

Common Lispみたいな何でもありな言語で殴りにいって返り討ちにあうのかなりかっこ悪いですね

2014-11-02 13:48:39