11/14(金) 香港雨傘革命 47日目

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Hong Kong Hermit @HongKongHermit

Another huge banner in process of being created. Keep building Mongkok, keep fighting. #UmbrellaRevolution #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/T3bmDKkJUP

2014-11-13 23:59:43
Galileo Cheng @galileocheng

Under threat of discipline action from CityU Dean of Students, yellow banner removed by students news.mingpao.com/ins14111314158… #OccpuyHK

2014-11-13 23:57:57
Galileo Cheng @galileocheng

CityU Dean of Students: discipline action to them if retain “I want genuine universal suffrage” banner news.mingpao.com/ins14111314158… #OccpuyHK

2014-11-13 23:57:11
Galileo Cheng @galileocheng

Police: could only use reasonable & proportionate force to arrest suspect news.mingpao.com/ins14111314158… How was #OccpuyHK patrol’s force excessive?

2014-11-13 23:42:33
カツキ☂生きろ @manjyukatsuki

【生放送】【外配信】香港のデモ現場で雑談(金鐘) を開始しました。 nico.ms/lv200002637 #lv200002637

2014-11-13 23:37:16
Ellie Ng @elliepng

Alex Chow: We're going to Beijing. Don't worry about us; we're prepared for any form of repercussion #umhk #occupyhk pic.twitter.com/IJYBQyN4Fa

2014-11-13 23:36:49
KENJImaru Vocal @KENJImaru666

昨日大拠点で暴力団を抑えて逆に警察に逮捕された二人がステージに事件を語ってます。 #香港 #デモ pic.twitter.com/L0wD0lBtRo

2014-11-13 23:34:11
James Bang @PRHacks

Never imagined six weeks ago there would be an #OccupyHongKong Twitter meetup! Great conversations! #UmbrellaMovement pic.twitter.com/ItK5kuijaN

2014-11-13 23:33:51
ズッキーニ@香港 @Zuki_Zucchini

ハンドメイドのプロテクターで準備万端のテレサ via @tomgrundy @hkdemonow Teresa is ready- sporting a hand-made face mask at #OccupyHK Mongkok pic.twitter.com/ZPcaMsYAIl

2014-11-13 23:33:45
Ellie Ng @elliepng

Alex Kwok: We must stay united especially now that police might clear anytime. #umhk #occupyhk pic.twitter.com/FjBDTIrRqY

2014-11-13 23:31:42
ズッキーニ@香港 @Zuki_Zucchini

FBを見ながらペットボトルとN95マスクで作ったプロテクター via @tomgrundy @hkdemonow Raul made them from bottles & N95 masks using// #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/hp4KNL7Laq

2014-11-13 23:30:04
Kris Cheng @krislc

學聯數名成員包括周永康暫定周六上京 rthk.hk/rthk/news/expr…

2014-11-13 23:06:08
Ellie Ng @elliepng

IPCC member: 1534cases of #umhk related complaints filed; police required to report weekly progress to IPCC #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/hLNBatJfUA

2014-11-13 23:02:41
くま某 @kumaboh

恒隆集團の陳啓宗主席はいいました。 「占拠デモをやってる人たち。一部のリーダーを除いて、みんなそれなりの年齢になれば理性を回復しますから」 つまり、今は理性を失っている状態だ、と。 goo.gl/aL6gqk

2014-11-13 22:53:40
Tom Grundy @tomgrundy

Big crowd for politician Fernando Cheung's parody of the daily HK police briefings. With signing for deaf #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/6NCJrNRiqL

2014-11-13 22:36:34
HKDemoNow @hkdemonow

RT @SocRECorg: 20:00 金鍾 佔領者於大台附近架起巨型雨傘。記者Mak Ka Hei #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/jJyjTlmzdN

2014-11-13 22:36:12
林 志行 hayashi_450 ☀️ @linsbar

【香港🌂占拠】中国、最北端。イエロー・アンブレラ。➡︎☝️ mmtmr: 在中國最北,黃傘 pic.twitter.com/qkGtmqEHn4

2014-11-13 22:31:01
陈志斌 @czb5438

天氣明顯較冷,大家要多穿衣服 pic.twitter.com/rPP1sCqOL9

2014-11-13 22:05:58
Kris Cheng @krislc

Legislator Ray Chan doubts if police will send bills to private org for executing injunctions or use tax $ #OccupyHK pic.twitter.com/eiNIyBDXFp

2014-11-13 21:50:10
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