Mathematica Tips 2

@MathematicaTip のツイートをまとめました。数式処理プログラム Mathematica を使う人にとって便利な Tips が満載! 過去のツイートはこちら 続きを読む
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Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Show only the boundary of the visible sRGB space: ChromaticityPlot["sRGB", Appearance -> "VisibleSpectrum"]

2015-01-03 02:29:16
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the mass of the muon in MeV: ParticleData["Muon", "Mass"]

2015-01-01 00:59:22
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

The visible region from geostationary orbit: GeoGraphics[GeoVisibleRegion[{0, 0, Quantity[35786, "Kilometers"]}], GeoRange -> "World"]

2014-12-31 05:07:36
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Interference pattern at the edge of a shadow: Plot[FresnelF[x]^2 + FresnelG[x]^2, {x, -8, 8}]

2014-12-24 06:39:30
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Zero crossings of a list: CrossingDetect[{4, 0, 1, -2, 1, -2, -3, -1, 3}] // Normal

2014-12-23 04:03:43
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find how many elements were discovered by country: SortBy[Tally[Flatten[Table[ElementData[z,"DiscoveryCountries"], {z, 1, 108}]]], Last]

2014-12-19 02:46:51
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

A position that explicitly refers to the ITRF00 reference frame: GeoPosition[{40.112981, -88.261227, 192.868}, "ITRF00"]

2014-12-18 01:22:18
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Shift a time series ahead 2.5: ts = RandomFunction[ARProcess[{.1}, 1], {1, 10}];shift = TimeSeriesShift[ts, 2.5];ListLinePlot[{ts, shift}]

2014-12-17 03:42:15
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Compute polyhedron volume: p = PolyhedronData["EscherSolid"]; \[ScriptCapitalR] = BoundaryDiscretizeGraphics[p]; Volume[\[ScriptCapitalR]]

2014-12-16 00:55:02
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Compute the number of 3-colorings of the Petersen graph: ChromaticPolynomial[PetersenGraph[], 3]

2014-12-13 01:28:56
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

A volume mesh region in 3D from DelaunayMesh: DelaunayMesh[RandomReal[1, {50, 3}]]

2014-12-12 01:58:34
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