
※編集中 12月7日はイランでは「学生の日」で、イラン国内各地で抗議行動がありました。それを中心に、12月に入ってからの現地筋tweetsを。
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EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#IranElection LiveBlog: Report - 1000+ students in protest at Azad Uni in Qazvin http://tinyurl.com/23ucq6s #Iran #IranElection

2010-12-08 01:03:17
Persian Banoo @persianbanoo

Student activist Reza Khadem has been sentenced to 3 yrs & 4 months on bunch of bogus charges #Iranelection

2010-12-08 01:15:14
Persian Banoo @persianbanoo

@SabzBrach Yes I am, the same damn bogus charges that everone is getting, that's why I don't right them anymore "BOGUS" covers them all

2010-12-08 01:18:29
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#IranElection LiveBlog: Reformist newspaper Shargh raided, 3 journalists arrested http://tinyurl.com/23ucq6s #Iran #IranElection

2010-12-08 01:30:23
seaofliberty @seaofliberty

RT @Khoshkeledoc - NEW CHARITY - ALL we do is get help DIRECTLY to Iranian refugees around the world: http://bit.ly/g5nNdY #iranelection

2010-12-08 01:34:22
seaofliberty @seaofliberty

RT @Khoshkeledoc - You can sponsor a refugee or just help with food/medicine here at our NEW CHARITY: http://bit.ly/g5nNdY #iranelection

2010-12-08 01:35:53
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Iran Video: Monday's Allahu Akbar (God is Great) Rooftop Chants in Tehran http://tinyurl.com/38w8avf #IranElection #politics

2010-12-08 01:36:43
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Iran Video Special: Tehran University Protests on the Eve of #16Azar (7 clips) http://tinyurl.com/34soqj3 #IranElection #p2 #tcot

2010-12-08 01:36:48
Roxana Saberi @roxanasaberi

Intl Campaign for HRs in Iran: Unprecedented Death Sentence for Christian Pastor on Charge of Apostasy http://fb.me/MAXYyD8D

2010-12-08 01:51:41
Roxana Saberi @roxanasaberi

Op-ed by Sarah Shourd, American woman freed from Iranian prison http://fb.me/OQKCoWVI

2010-12-08 02:02:16
MadyarMadyar @madyar

Shargh newspaper office raided for 2nd time 2day,4th journalist (Ali Khodabakhsh) arrested rahana.org/archives/31398 #iranelection

2010-12-08 03:11:16
sara @sara_HR4All

Iranians Visit Grave Site of Murdered Student Kianoush Asa |P2E| http://bit.ly/i7e56k #IranElection #16Azar #HumanRights

2010-12-08 03:14:21
Lalehلاله #FreeFromHijab @Lalehsr

Karroubi: The number of students barred from an education is sad for the Islamic Republic http://on.fb.me/eeklvI #iranelection #16Azar

2010-12-08 03:16:40
sara @sara_HR4All

Student Day scrapbook - 7 December 2010 #16Azar |Homylafayette| http://bit.ly/f12Obi #IranElection

2010-12-08 03:18:52
Iran Info Project @Iran_IP

One Million Signatures to Support Iran Freedom Movement - http://bit.ly/61FYkl - #iranelection #iran #fb

2010-12-08 03:20:02
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