
昨晩、@wikileaks のジュリアン・アサンジのロンドンでの身柄拘束やら、イランの「学生の日」の様子やらをTwitterで見ていたとき、「米国務省、World Press Freedom Day 2011の開催を発表」というツイートが流れてきました。 これに関してはEFFのようなビッグネームからごく一般のユーザーさんまで、判で押したように一斉に「ネタかと」と反応――英語では "irony" という語が、さしずめ連呼状態。私は学生のときに「アイロニー」という概念は、日本語圏ではつかむのが難しいのだとため息をついていたのですが、これさえあればバッチリです。(笑) さらに、Facebookで「コメントが多すぎるので」という理由でモデレーションが入って投稿が削除されるなどの事態も確認されており、乾いた笑いはなかなか止まらないようです。 続きを読む
Gizmodo @Gizmodo

Impeccable timing: US celebrates Wikileaks arrest by announcing Press Freedom Day http://gizmo.do/e33gxJ

2010-12-08 03:43:33
Gawker @Gawker

U.S. Will Briefly Stop Persecuting Reporters to Host World Press Freedom Day http://gawker.com/5708417/

2010-12-08 04:18:10
Salon @Salon

State Dept. official and vocal WikiLeaks critic is caught in a lie...by WikiLeaks: http://salon.com/a/sMR8fAA

2010-12-08 04:40:30
@Lloyd @Lloyd

National Press Freedom Day hosted by the USA. If you show the USA in the bad light; we'll wreck your website, finances and get you deported!

2010-12-08 06:25:10
IDS Opinion @ids_opinion

U.S. Will Briefly Stop Persecuting Reporters to Host World Press Freedom Day http://t.co/H3vnyOj via @gawker

2010-12-08 08:15:24
Seej but he's a christmassy Dracula, ooOOoooh @Seej500

The World Press Freedom facebook page has been so swamped with people pointing out the irony they've had to set up a discussion board.

2010-12-08 08:52:24
Tim Kong @timoslimo

USA to host World Press Freedom Day 2011. http://is.gd/imTAh Bless 'em - whoever said they don't do irony. #wikileaks

2010-12-08 11:07:05

Amidst US calls to shut down #WikiLeaks, US State Dept. announces World Press Freedom Day 2011 http://bit.ly/gXNZpR

2010-12-08 11:12:00
Gohsuke Takama @gohsuket

米国務省はWikileaks停止に奔走する渦中「世界報道自由の日2011」を発表。(ヒドい冗談、の意見も) via @EFF: US State Dept. announces World Press Freedom Day 2011 http://bit.ly/gXNZpR

2010-12-08 11:28:29
Nikolai Garcia ☭ @HelloKommie

RT @linaoctober: Thought this was spoof when first heard - but no: U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day // after calls for assassination? #freejulianassange

2010-12-08 11:57:21
Birmingham FreePress @Bhamfreepress

How funny is this? - U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011 http://fb.me/NGqsfENZ

2010-12-08 11:58:51
Anneliese @Anneliese777

Another irony meter detonates. MT @EFF US State Dept. announces World Press Freedom Day 2011 http://bit.ly/gXNZpR

2010-12-08 11:59:05
Scott Hoberg @Scoberg

Didn't we just have a World Press Freedom Day in May? Someone should really tell the greeting card companies about this potential gold mine.

2010-12-08 11:59:45
Majd al-Shihabi 🏴 // @majdal@indieweb.social @majdal

What a fucking joke. World Press Freedom Day hosted by the US State Department. http://bit.ly/gdurE8

2010-12-08 12:03:28

Email the New York UNESCO Office and complain about the US holding World Press Freedom Day in Washington 2011 ao.new-york@unesco.org Pls RT

2010-12-08 12:03:44
biggie enjoyer @iconridge

incredibly deliciously ironic RT @Wonkette: U.S. State Department Hilariously Announces 'World Press Freedom Day' http://bit.ly/dG5vuu

2010-12-08 12:03:45

World Press Freedom Day? How about you rename that to World Propaganda Day?

2010-12-08 12:03:57
Michael Kindt @MichaelKindt

U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011 - gabriellemv: Nope. Hey, did you hear? Sarah Palin says he... http://tumblr.com/xstzdlnt0

2010-12-08 12:06:53
Aaron Patterson @_aaronpatterson

So the US called for the shut-down of #wikileaks, but it plans on hosting the 2011 World Press Freedom Day in 2011? Nice, America. Nice.

2010-12-08 12:08:40
Tim Whale @timwhale

Oh the irony - U.S. to Host World Press Freedom Day in 2011 http://bit.ly/gDWbrJ

2010-12-08 12:10:17
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