Lennon, not 'Lenon' (Imagine theirs no spell-check :P)

ジョン・レノンが射殺された12月8日が全世界的に過ぎ、TwitterのTrending Topicsには "Lenon" という文字列が……おいおい、それを言うなら "Lennon" だろ(nが2つ)、と思って見てみたら、「スペルが違う」という指摘のtweetと、間違ったスペルのまま文面を作成しているスパム(黄緑色の文字にしてあるもの。URLガ含まれている場合、クリックはしない方がよいです)がどっさり。 Wikileaks関連が全然trending topicsに入らないのは何故なんだぜ、と誰もがぶつぶつ言っている今日このごろ、変なスペルのままTT入りしたジョン・レノンを追悼しながら。 続きを読む
Daz @dazgale

Jon Lenon wasn't even my favourite Beatle anyway, I always preferred Pawl McKartnee and Jorge Harrysun. Hated that Ringu Star though.

2010-12-09 03:13:14
REGGiE @10tiklzFN

You can spell 'Yoko Ono' but apparently don't have the intelligence to spell 'Lenon' the correct way. Muggles. Seriously.

2010-12-09 06:18:57
Oliver Lamb @oliverlamb

'Lenon' is trending. A fitting tribute to a dyslexic. #johnlennon

2010-12-09 08:53:18
Baby Yoda @Trillbilly_

Twitter has great grammar RT @thisizAsh Wtf is "Lenon"...? It's Lennon! Smh.

2010-12-09 16:15:03

Yoko Ono Google Wave Lakers Star Trek #worldcup Lenon Free Online Video @! http://bit.ly/gaZa6F .

2010-12-09 16:15:10
Rachel Clarke @RaychieC

I can't quite understand how 'Lenon' is trending but the correct spelling of Lennon isn't. Uneducated people.

2010-12-09 16:15:18

I got free itunes from http://digg.com/news/entertainment/free_itunes_codes_3 US ONLY Laker Lenon Shannon Brown Choi Minho Eric Gordon Dere

2010-12-09 16:15:36
Sandra Dee @livetodestroy

Dear Canada, fuck you. It's not Lenon. It's Lennon.

2010-12-09 16:15:40
Em Gallafa @EmGallafa

OMG!!! Lenon is trending. Learn to spell You FOOLS! #HaveSomeStandards #TryHarder

2010-12-09 16:15:54

Lenon sparks Marion comeback - The Southern #Lenon http://bit.ly/gyrHIa

2010-12-09 16:16:28

I won free itunes from http://digg.com/news/entertainment/free_itunes_codes_3 US ONLY Shannon Brown Lenon Eric Gordon Choi Minho Polar Expr

2010-12-09 16:16:36
K @IamThePebs

For the love of Christ, Lenon. People are stupid as shit. L-E-N-N-O-N.

2010-12-09 16:16:47
hot girl midsommar @verymimi

i'm disappointed that #lenon is trending. don't tweet about the man if you can't even spell his name right. #ripjohnlennon

2010-12-09 16:17:53
💙💛 ınge m. @ingematland

RT @jessesuckss: Yoko Ona waz my favrit beetl, I h8ed jon lenon, pal mckarthy, ringa star and jorge harisun

2010-12-09 16:18:55

RT @gwenisblessed: Is "Lenon" supposed to be John Lennon trending? HAHA people on Twitter really can't spell.

2010-12-09 16:18:56
Loser @Expoosed

Pobre gente dude. ''lenon'' ''baetles'' LOL

2010-12-09 16:20:34

This wont last long look at this kind of just before they remove the item .. #Operation #Payback #Derek #Fisher #checkmeout #Lenon

2010-12-09 16:21:03
Miguel @10wmigel

Lennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon LennonLennon Lennon not lenon

2010-12-09 16:22:09
po @potheho

"Lenon" is trending. Really peeps?

2010-12-09 16:22:41