
カナダのうみねこユーザー&レイヤーであらせられるKelseyさん@turtleen と、 竜騎士作品における“愛”の意味についてお話ししました。
emo @Emopoteto


2010-12-13 20:00:41
emo @Emopoteto

言葉通じなくてもね、気持ちは通じるんだね 好きって気持ちは一緒だもんね うみねこ好きで居てよかった 好きでいてくれてありがとう

2010-12-13 20:03:10
かわいそうなぞう(はんだち) @KNZ00

@Emopoteto ぼく泣きそう。Kelseyさん本当にいい人だよね。マジ霧江

2010-12-13 20:02:16
emo @Emopoteto

@KNZ00 とっても同意。美人な霧江アイコンが流れるたびにドキドキしちゃう///

2010-12-13 20:05:13
Kelsey @turtleen_

@Emopoteto @KNZ00 そうでもない! ごめんなさい私の日本語はとても悪い;//; でも本当にありがとう。

2010-12-13 20:11:39
emo @Emopoteto

@turtleen こちらこそ!ごめんね、英語全然出来なくて! I want to speak a lot with you.

2010-12-13 20:19:18
Kelsey @turtleen_

@Emopoteto Language is really fun, I would be glad to talk together any time~ 日本語で、も英語で!

2010-12-13 20:27:08
emo @Emopoteto

いろいろ海外の人に聞いてみたいことあったんだけど こういざ直面すると忘れてしまうのであるてへへ・・・

2010-12-13 20:21:50
emo @Emopoteto

英語にすると元祖ハピマリはすごい勢いでディズニーっぽくなるなw 日本語のあれはアンパンマンなのに

2010-12-13 20:55:02
emo @Emopoteto

@turtleen Yes! I want to understand English! うみねこが日本の外でどうやって遊ばれているのか気になる。Do you know the homepage in which it deeply thinks about umineko?

2010-12-13 20:51:53
Kelsey @turtleen_

@Emopoteto But I have heard in the USA there are many fans.

2010-12-13 20:56:59
emo @Emopoteto

@turtleen Thank you very much! Does Ms.littelefinch put on clothes too? Yes, but I have not posted too. I like look at it.

2010-12-13 21:08:46
Kelsey @turtleen_

@Emopoteto Yes she does~ she is 戦人 and maybe 留弗夫 in the future♥ It's nice to look at what everyone has to say about うみねこ on the homepage.

2010-12-13 21:16:17
emo @Emopoteto

@turtleen It sounds good!I want to look it! I feel admiration for everyone's consideration great. Is it so fun.

2010-12-13 21:32:53
かわいそうなぞう(はんだち) @KNZ00

@turtleen うーうー♪ 真里亞はKelseyおねえちゃんの日本語すきー♥ お話しするの楽しい! うー!

2010-12-13 20:16:14
Kelsey @turtleen_

@KNZ00 はーい~ 私も、嬉しい、楽しいです!

2010-12-13 20:32:37
かわいそうなぞう(はんだち) @KNZ00

@turtleen I'm uneducated of religions. but, I feel “Love in everywhere”. I think that 竜騎士's literary works are based on Christian doctrine

2010-12-13 20:18:05
Kelsey @turtleen_

@KNZ00 I'm the same as you in that case, but even so those words are truly beautiful.

2010-12-13 20:17:41
かわいそうなぞう(はんだち) @KNZ00

@turtleen Oh, Thank you. When I read EP4 for the first time, I didn't understand a meaning of the “Love”.

2010-12-13 20:21:25
Kelsey @turtleen_

@KNZ00 「ひぐらし」 and 「うみねこ」 have very nice teachings, "friendship" and "love", very monolingual! Ah..."一語”か?

2010-12-13 20:29:41
かわいそうなぞう(はんだち) @KNZ00

@turtleen What's meen “monolingual”? same as meen 日本語? nor other meens?

2010-12-13 20:33:17
Kelsey @turtleen_

@KNZ00 "the same in every language" "単一語" 私は思う...

2010-12-13 20:37:10
Kelsey @turtleen_

@KNZ00 Ah, "Love" and "friendship", Love=Friendship, that sounds nice, I think in a way it is!

2010-12-13 20:39:08