Freedom to Connect 2015

David S. Isenberg @davidisen

Carriers would extract economic rents from Internet traffic if their behavior were not regulated.… #f2c15 #netfreedom

2015-02-25 11:51:05
steve crandall @tingilinde

If you can't be at F2C March 2 & 3, there is inexpensive access to the stream #F2C15

2015-03-02 09:20:36
Michael Nelson @MikeNelson

"@tingilinde: If you can't be at F2C March 2 & 3, there's inexpensive access to the stream #F2C15" @davidisen @isocny

2015-03-02 20:07:15
hannahsassaman @hannahsassaman

About to head out to #f2c15 ! Nervous and excited to share stage with powerful activists and leaders working for freedom online

2015-03-02 22:34:04
Craig Plunkett @plunkman

#F2C15 Glad to finally make it to this conference (at @CivicHall in New York, NY)

2015-03-02 23:05:53
Christopher Mitchell @communitynets

Keep an eye on the #f2c15 hash today and tomorrow - Freedom to Connect has started in NYC.

2015-03-02 23:13:47
Fumi @Fumi

At #f2c15 "Internet freedom is our freedom, Internet rights are civil rights, and we still have a lot of work to do" says @davidisen

2015-03-02 23:17:21
Dan Gillmor is at @dangillmor

The always-excellent Freedom to Connect has opened in NYC. #f2c15 -- speaking later this morning (moved from tomorrow).

2015-03-02 23:19:38
Don Means @donmeans

What next after reclassification? Find out at #f2c15

2015-03-02 23:24:01
(((haroldfeld))) @haroldfeld

.@scrawford recalls when Ben Scott and @ColinCrowell first asked her to testify in 2008 on #NetNeutrality #f2c15

2015-03-02 23:26:53
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