#APRICOT2015 2015年3月3日

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Yasuhiro Morishita @OrangeMorishita

Anycast 101ってようは「カンタンにAnycastやっちゃおう(やれないかしら)」で、「そのためにはどういう機材、VM、ネットワーク構成がいいのかしら」で、「おれたちこんなのやってみてるもんね」てことなのかな。 #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:21:48
Yasuhiro Morishita @OrangeMorishita

将来は権威DNSサーバーの実装を複数にして冗長化しようとかしていると。 #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:22:32
Yasuhiro Morishita @OrangeMorishita

(割とアドホックにやってて、これで25拠点ってことなんだから、例えば水責めを散らすためにお手軽にやってみる選択肢の中には入ってくるかもしんないな) #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:24:10
Yasuhiro Morishita @OrangeMorishita

(しかし私の英語ぼろいなみたいな(とりあえず通じてそうだからよしとしとこう)) #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:29:44
Yasuhiro Morishita @OrangeMorishita

(今しゃべってるの、たぶんNetnodのKurtisさん。I-Rootやってて、Anycastには一家言あるぞみたいな) #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:30:25
APNIC @apnic

Link to #APRICOT2015 keynote address from David Lassner, asking us the put the 'P' back into 'AP' blog.apnic.net/2015/03/03/apr… #Pacific #Internet

2015-03-03 10:31:14
西塚 要 @__kaname__

anycast ってもっといろんなシーンで使えると思うし、わくわくするよね。いい発表だった。 #apricot2015 #apops

2015-03-03 10:35:18
Don 🇨🇳🦠 @smartbrain

@clairebadland @natmorris just told a room here at #apricot2015 about how he's hiding his latest anycast BGP project costs from you :P

2015-03-03 11:08:56
APNIC @apnic

SDN Panel at #APRICOT2015 off to a flying start. Watch live here youtu.be/uNYKkX9ERlM

2015-03-03 11:10:01
APNIC @apnic

APNIC Cooperation SIG now underway. Congratulations Dr Govind and Billy MH Cheon, appointed Chair and Co-Chair respectively #apricot2015

2015-03-03 11:11:56
APNIC @apnic

Cooperation SIG is being webcast here - follow online: 2015.apricot.net/program#sessio… #apricot2015

2015-03-03 11:14:18
Aftab Siddiqui @aftabsiddiqui

Inaugural cooperation sig begins with consensus on charter #apricot2015 Dr. Govind from #NIXI charing the session pic.twitter.com/PFRA0Rrfaq

2015-03-03 11:16:54
APNIC @apnic

Dr Govind addressing the Cooperation SIG, with the panel ready to present #apricot2015 pic.twitter.com/zi3GWpqjr9

2015-03-03 11:21:46
Kuek Yu-Chuang @yc_kuek

Our #ICANN board members join panelists in the Cooperation Special Interest Group happening now. #APRICOT2015 pic.twitter.com/fHyGpyQk8O

2015-03-03 11:26:08
Don 🇨🇳🦠 @smartbrain

@Yozzo @TakenakaLaura Alan, you should be here for #apricot2015 Would have been right up your alley. @icez too.

2015-03-03 11:27:04
APNIC @apnic

.@georgesadowsky at Coop SIG points out that Internet governance issues are not simple... #apricot2015 pic.twitter.com/ak4KiFTZ8y

2015-03-03 11:33:53
Satish Babu @satish_babu

George Sadowsky, ICANN Board, explaining Internet issues. Slide from D. Souter. @ICANN @ICANN_AtLarge #apricot2015 pic.twitter.com/5CbMFE3nNd

2015-03-03 11:36:45
Adli Wahid @adliwahid

Discussion on the #poodle attack at the #APAN network security session #apricot2015 pic.twitter.com/ad81usZqL1

2015-03-03 11:39:02
Don 🇨🇳🦠 @smartbrain

Speaker in security track at #apricot2015 just showed a list of companies borked by Poodle workaround - includes Panasonic and Aeon :P

2015-03-03 11:53:49
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