SOUPS2015 2日目

The eleventh Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) のつぶやきまとめ。2日目。
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 ・・ 8 次へ
XaviWare @xaviware

#touchid has had no significant impact on #iphone #password DESPITE #apple claims to the contrary. Findings from #soups2015 Cherapau et al

2015-07-25 01:01:37
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

Users should be assisted to develop a better mental model of how iPhone identification actually works #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:02:16
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

It reminds me of the idea we've had about re-utilising the airline safety card... #soups2015…

2015-07-25 01:02:17
Ame Elliott @ameellio

Big opportunity to help users get mobile app permissions + security. Text descriptions aren't working. #soups2015

2015-07-25 00:56:18
🥀✨💻 @dontbenebby

Can we agree as a community that forcing a partner to share their login credentials is abusive, controlling behavior? #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:04:10
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

But is #privacy vs #convenience really the right dimension? Bad #design says so. I think both is possible #soups2015…

2015-07-25 01:05:40
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

Most users of TouchID choose it for convenience #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:00:26
Mary Ellen Zurko @mzurko

Or might we agree on that no matter who does the forcing? Parents, caregivers - an edge condition. #soups2015…

2015-07-25 01:06:48
Bryan Dosono, PhD @bdosono

Agreed. Ann-Marie Horcher: "I wouldn't share my phone more than I would share my toothbrush." #SOUPS2015…

2015-07-25 01:06:58
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

Now: @UppaJung (with Joseph Bonneau) on learning assigned secrets for unlocking mobile devices #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:09:15
Elissa M. Redmiles, Ph.D. @eredmil1

@uppajung Research Question: can we make users learn assigned pins so easy that users will do it? #mobile #infosec #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:10:51
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@uppajung we need to suggest secrets to users that friend attackers won't know. Teaching using spaced repetition helps. #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:11:49
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@Uppajung Training during login: people logged in, and then every time asked to type additional little secret #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:13:38
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@Uppajung delay between showing box and secret to be typed got longer and longer until people learned it #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:15:34
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

Teaching users to memorise the pattern not the content makes it irrelevant whether content was obvious: @uppajung #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:16:43
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@UppaJung new method: pin is entered onto ever changing keypad where pin is mapped to secure secret sequence. #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:16:45
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@UppaJung Delay btwn seeing keyboard & markers w/ new secret is steadily increased until ppl enter secret correctly immediately. #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:18:04
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

@mariawolters and as long as you get an incentive at the end, in whichever form. But uptake in broad population? #cynic #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:21:35
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

@uppajung makes joke on p-values and statistics. Well played in this community #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:22:44
Ame Elliott @ameellio

"We actually pay minimum wage, not mechanical turk rates" - @uppajung #UX participant ethics #SOUPS2015

2015-07-25 01:22:58
Maria Wolters @mariawolters

.@UppaJung the complex mapping is slower to learn than just learning a second PIN - both are recalled perfectly after 3 days #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:24:05
Ame Elliott @ameellio

#soups2015 theme: Study participants: Students, Mechanical Turkers, crowdsourced platforms, Craig's List. Ethical + quality implications.

2015-07-25 01:26:08
Martin Ortlieb @uxprivacy

@mariawolters Good point, but: that is a captive audience. The general public isn't. #soups2015

2015-07-25 01:26:16
前へ 1 ・・ 3 4 ・・ 8 次へ