
Sebastian Thrun @SebastianThrun

@axlb3rt Launching soon in places like China. Working hard on internationalization with the amazing @shen_ed

2016-01-20 06:32:50
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@axlb3rt Yes, that is definitiley on our radar. Specifically in the areas of low-bandwidth, performance, progressive web apps #perfmatters

2016-01-20 06:31:10
Togetter(トゥギャッター) @togetter_jp

.@rorotuaさんの「本当にあったクソな話」に超注目!ちょっとちょっと、すごいっ! togetter.com/li/927067

2016-01-20 06:40:02
Google for Developers @googledevs

From @TrishWhetzel: does a nanodegree program count as eligibility towards an intern job? #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:39:53
Al @axlb3rt

Do you have any plans to tailor Udacitys offerings to overseas markets some time in the future? #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:29:43
Sebastian Thrun @SebastianThrun

@googledevs Set yourself a weekly goal and meet it. In the beginning, it can be painful. As you get into the habit, you will be unstoppable.

2016-01-20 06:36:58
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs Cultivate good study habits. Give up watching TV and spend an hour or so a day on your education #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:36:39
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs The best way to get ahead is to get started —Mark Twain

2016-01-20 06:35:02
Sebastian Thrun @SebastianThrun

@peterlubbers @googledevs Agree - and this is just the beginning. Let us know at @udacity what areas you want us to cover next.

2016-01-20 06:35:09
Sebastian Thrun @SebastianThrun

@googledevs My most important advice: Get started today. Don't wait until tomorrow. There are many other amazing companies like @edXOnline

2016-01-20 06:33:52
Google for Developers @googledevs

Q10 There are proven benefits to online training. What are some tips to help people succeed? #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:35:39
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs One great thing is that you can really start as a complete beginner and go all the way through to the expert level #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:33:31
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs Google has built over 30 courses with Udacity so there is something for everybody #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:33:03
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs Just go for it. Try it out. Start by building a good foundation and build on top of that #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:32:52
Google for Developers @googledevs

Q9 What advice would you give to someone looking to learn a new tech skill or career in tech? #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:32:26
Togetter(トゥギャッター) @togetter_jp

.@sidenpさんの「「はじめての三国志」の問題点について考える」がすごく伸びてるよ!すごいツイートされてるみたい。 togetter.com/li/926904

2016-01-20 06:32:02
Mercedes-Benz @MercedesBenz

"THE ROCK" dominating at a #MercedesBenz driving event. benz.me/DrivingEvents [Consumption 6.5l/100km|CO₂ 152g/km] pic.twitter.com/EWc71LMcYV

2016-01-20 06:31:00
Amazon JP (アマゾンジャパン) @AmazonJP

【名作をオーディブルで聴こう】 一度読んだら必ず宝物にしたくなる、この宝石のような物語は、六十年以上たった今も、世界中でみんなの心をつかんで離さない。 ⇒ amzn.to/1Zwoces pic.twitter.com/tenADrMtXr

2016-01-20 06:30:07
Sebastian Thrun @SebastianThrun

@googledevs If you take our new @udacity Nanodegree Plus program, we will help you find a job (or money back). We show you how to plug in.

2016-01-20 06:28:33
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs Also, our Google Developer Groups (@gdg) host Study Jams to go through @Udacity training courses together in person #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:28:47
Peter Lubbers @peterlubbers

@googledevs You can also join meetups to meet with developers in person. For ex. I would recommend @sfhtml5 for all webdevs :-) #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:28:27
Google for Developers @googledevs

Q8 Once you’ve finished training, how can you get involved with the developer community? #devtraining

2016-01-20 06:27:32
Vogue Magazine @voguemagazine

Happy 70th birthday, @DollyParton! 10 life lessons we learned from her Twitter: vogue.cm/KhthgaW

2016-01-20 06:27:17