SXSW2010でのTwitter CEO 基調講演炎上とその火消しまとめ

SXSW2010での@evさんの基調講演でのUmair Haqueのインタビューが酷くてDisられまくります。その火消しとして@evさんがTwitter上で10個までユーザが興味を持っている質問に答える流れになり、「いま、何考えてると思う?」や「独身ですか?」といった質問にもウィットに富んだ回答をしつつ、話題の@anywhereについても丁寧に回答します。Twitterの企業活用をCEO自ら示している点で、Social Mediaとの付き合い方の好例としてアーカイブしました。
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Ev @ev

I heard on the backchannel that people want me to answer tougher questions. What'ya want to know? Will answer 10. Go.

2010-03-16 06:24:38

@ev why is location an after-thought?

2010-03-16 06:25:41
Ev @ev

@bitcollector we didn't start with location but are making serious in roads with it right now. It will be a major part of Twitter soon.

2010-03-16 06:27:38

@ev glad to hear that, rooting for that since Day 2. Interested in exploring (new edition days away), location is what we do.

2010-03-16 06:33:39
breezeybreeze @MadysonsMallows

@ev when will you expand your capacity? The whale is cute and all but I see him way too often! Thank you!

2010-03-16 06:25:37
Ev @ev

@MadysonsMallows we expand it every day. But we can do better.

2010-03-16 06:29:23
breezeybreeze @MadysonsMallows

@ev well, until then, I'll enjoy the whale...thanks for your reply.

2010-03-16 13:10:03
Mick Hagen @mickhagen

@ev Here's one: why is your api team so unresponsive?

2010-03-16 06:25:36
Ev @ev

@mickhagen they've been really flooded and are getting more resources (2 new developer advocates this month). Also: come to Chirp

2010-03-16 06:31:00
Mick Hagen @mickhagen

@ev Thanks for responding. I appreciate it. You should come stop by our offices sometime...just down the street.

2010-03-16 06:42:00
Matthew Lumby @MatthewLumby

@ev How is Twitter ever going to make any money? And can I buy shares?

2010-03-16 06:29:50
Ev @ev

@MatthewLumby sounds like you're conflicted.

2010-03-16 06:32:29
Matthew Lumby @MatthewLumby

@ev I have faith that you'll make money one day, and I'd be happy to invest. I just don't know what the path to profit is.

2010-03-16 06:33:29
Matthew Lumby @MatthewLumby

@ev OK, not a profit question. Soccer. Who will win the World Cup this year?

2010-03-16 06:58:04
Vivek Kumar @vivekunc

@ev What do you think is your next Aha! idea?

2010-03-16 06:29:48
Ev @ev

@vivekunc always hard to know that ahead of time :)

2010-03-16 06:33:06
Vivek Kumar @vivekunc

@ev Thanks for replying back!! I would be waiting to see how/when that unfolds!

2010-03-16 06:37:19
Bob Metcalfe @BobMetcalfe

@ev How do you see things settling out among Google, Facebook, and Twitter? Am interested because our daughter now works at Facebook.

2010-03-16 06:30:16
Ev @ev

@BobMetcalfe she should probably apply at Twitter. ;)

2010-03-16 06:33:51
Ev @ev

@steyblind only if they can't think of what o do on top of it. It should allow them to create more value.

2010-03-16 06:36:56
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