
トニー・ブレアの回顧録、A Journeyが9月1日に出ました。これを受けて、Twitter上は「真顔でジョーク」のパーティ会場。ブレアといえば「誠実さ honesty」が疑問視されている政治家の筆頭で、主にそれをネタにした「真顔ジョーク」です。ただしあまり直球で下品なものは外してあります。 回顧録の内容については、真面目な新聞記事などをお読みください。例えば下記。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/sep/01/tony-blair-memoirs-verdict 続きを読む
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Dr James Martin Charlton @jmc_fire

#Blair1stlines Abandon hope all ye who enter here is scrawled in blood red lettering on the side of Parliament...

2010-09-01 04:29:48
Derek Payne @mrderekpayne

I entered the Cabinet Office, "Hey guys, guess what? I've just become mayor of Basra on @foursquare!" #blair1stlines

2010-09-01 04:05:10

#Blair1stlines George pointed to a white board with "W.M.D" written on it; and my destiny was clear. The cartoon missiles were terrifying.

2010-09-01 06:29:21
Zorro P Freely⌚️ @banalyst

#Blair1stlines Euan & I were playing Scrabble. I can't win I said-I've only got WMD. Euan looked up. And we all know there's no such thing.

2010-09-01 04:27:56
Lorraine Ash🌻 💙 @Jimmibabe

#Blair1stLines Most people dont realise I suffer from Dyslexia & all that business with WMDs was actually a silly misunders'g about W.D.M

2010-09-01 08:47:05
William Godfree @williamgodfree

#Blair1stLines It was a bright cold day in April, and Big Ben was striking thirteen.

2010-09-01 06:02:55
Theodor Adorno @TW_Adorno

I moved forward, out of the blackest sleep, to find myself surrounded by doctors ...spin doctors #Blair1stLines

2010-09-01 05:52:18
eddie coates-madden @pseudograph

"Granted: I am an inmate of a mental hospital... my keeper's eye is the shade of Brown's" #Blair1stLines

2010-09-01 05:45:39
Philip Challinor @pchallinor

I have always believed politics is all about believing what I believe at the time. #Blair1stLines

2010-09-01 05:47:18
Giddy George Osborne @Gideon_Osboner

"this is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth... except the bits that are lies" #blair1stlines

2010-09-01 07:39:58
Guardian politics @GdnPolitics

#Blair1stlines 'All characters in this book are entirely fictional' (@tomcopley) 'Hi I'm Tony! This is my book!' (@communityhubs)

2010-09-01 00:27:29
Theodor Adorno @TW_Adorno

#Blair1stlines ? RT @50cent Ok look..this the hood. And if any of you motherfucker say somthing crazy ima shoot the shit outta you

2010-09-01 07:42:32
WTFoucault @WTFoucault

To Gazans: What's a goy like you doing in a place like this #Blair1stlines

2010-09-01 07:42:59
Tim @Tim_1807

"I am the God of Hell fire, and I bring you - FIRE" #Blair1stlines

2010-09-01 06:30:53
Guardian politics @GdnPolitics

Lots of activity on #Blair1stLines Just hours to go now till we find out how close anyone of us is ...

2010-09-01 06:51:28

"I wanted this book to be different" #blair1stlines

2010-09-01 17:23:12

"On 2 May 1997, I walked into Downing St as pm for the first time! The actual #blair1stlines

2010-09-01 17:24:44
Guardian politics @GdnPolitics

RT @davidwhe: "On 2 May 1997, I walked into Downing St as pm for the first time! The actual #blair1stlines

2010-09-01 20:40:43
Rosie R. @yorkierosie

http://bit.ly/di1Bw0 Warning:Daily Mail adds to it's reputation for pure fiction. Again quoting 'someone close' to Tony Blair.Re David/Ed M

2010-08-30 08:21:18
pragmatic_d @pragmatic_d

Love the description of Tony Blair: "He mixed fact and fiction as dexterously as a cocktail-maker in a swish bar." http://is.gd/eLrUM

2010-08-30 21:16:56
Montreal Mirror @montrealmirror

Damn Right: In a new (non-fiction!) book, Tony Blair hails George W Bush as a highly intelligent visionary http://bit.ly/bpOzRb

2010-08-31 01:48:06
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